Before anyone says anything negative about the video(as I know hating on NC is the “trendy” thing to do these days) Doug actually got one of the original animators of this film for the review(Philo Barnhart) which is pretty fucking badass and I think this review does this great film justice.
EDIT: downvoted by basement-dwelling trolls, what a surprise.
Before anyone says anything negative about the video(as I know hating on NC is the “trendy” thing to do these days) Doug actually got one of the original animators of this film for the review(Philo Barnhart) which is pretty fucking badass and I think this review does this great film justice.
EDIT: downvoted by basement-dwelling trolls, what a surprise.
Finding out what NIMH actually stood for was one of the most shocking moments from my childhood.
No, hell no.