The story of adam and eve is like, christianity in a nutshell. I’ve tried to start listening to the on audiobook and so far its just been a handbook on gaslighting.
God makes them, says they’re perfect, loves em, gives em all sorts of shit. Proceeds to say- BUT you cant have this one thing (because it will bring you to my level)
They eat it, he punishes them even though he made them. He punishes them for wanting to be like him even though he supposedly created them in his image?
Satan in the form of a snake tells adam- ” he dosent want you te eat the fruit because you will become like him” and is framed as the villan that deceived them into doing it.
The moral of the story is literally” dont seek knowledge outside of what the church tells you or you will be punished, all else is temptation of the devil” its fucking insane to me that anyone could interpret it any differently
Vanilla pudding or spicy cuddlefish?
That’s quite a perm Adam has on him there. Maybe Eden had high humidity?
LOL too funny! You’re a RIOT Dave 😜 How are Sandra and the kids?
Sadistically, they were only to gain knowledge about the terms and “conditiontions” after eating the apple.
Ah. A modern take that still puts all the blame on women. Classic, yet contemporary.
I knew it. Damn IOS all along.
The story of adam and eve is like, christianity in a nutshell. I’ve tried to start listening to the on audiobook and so far its just been a handbook on gaslighting.
God makes them, says they’re perfect, loves em, gives em all sorts of shit. Proceeds to say- BUT you cant have this one thing (because it will bring you to my level)
They eat it, he punishes them even though he made them. He punishes them for wanting to be like him even though he supposedly created them in his image?
Satan in the form of a snake tells adam- ” he dosent want you te eat the fruit because you will become like him” and is framed as the villan that deceived them into doing it.
The moral of the story is literally” dont seek knowledge outside of what the church tells you or you will be punished, all else is temptation of the devil” its fucking insane to me that anyone could interpret it any differently
Now I get it Steve ( son of eve) founder of Apple with a bite…