Boo…i remember seeing this at gamestop when this came out. I thought it looked fun when I saw it on a shelf. Decided not to get it, regret not picking it up for $20
I can list a stand of hair for 600$ on ebay that doesn’t mean anyone will buy it. This game is TRASH, good luck convincing someone to give you 300$ when they can get it for free online since the game and its console have been discontinued 15 years ago
We would set this game to max turns, and then over the course of days to weeks people would come and go and take their turns accordingly. Good memories.
I have a half brother who has collected every single nonunique Nintendo game from the GameCube to the WIIU except this title.
Nah more like $200. Still an expensive game though yeeesh..
Looks pretty cool!
Any non persona/shin Megami tensa game by Atlus is expensive
I remember game grumps playing it once, it was among the funniest episodes.
And that’s why I’m a pirate.
Guaranteed to ruin friendships
I’m seeing $160-220.
Love this game, best party game out there!
Boo…i remember seeing this at gamestop when this came out. I thought it looked fun when I saw it on a shelf. Decided not to get it, regret not picking it up for $20
I didn’t know it was so rare. I still have my copy!
Oh Altus games. Ogre Battle: March of the Black Queen was my first Altus experience.
I can list a stand of hair for 600$ on ebay that doesn’t mean anyone will buy it. This game is TRASH, good luck convincing someone to give you 300$ when they can get it for free online since the game and its console have been discontinued 15 years ago
We would set this game to max turns, and then over the course of days to weeks people would come and go and take their turns accordingly. Good memories.
I own Emily the Strange: Strangerous Collectors Edition for Nintendo DS.Still sealed. Only 200 copies were made.