The queue for coffee today was ridiculous
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The queue for coffee today was ridiculous
View Reddit by iledoffard – View Source
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Stubborn jackasses holding up the line!
Nice donqueue
Two Asses walk into a coffee shop…
Hey, buddy.. can I burro a fiver for a coffee?
That line is ass
Juan Valdez himself delivers this cafe’s coffee beans.
Looks more redonkulous to me.
They made ass of themselves.
That’s a long ass line
I’d queue behind a fine ass like that, any day!
I would SO drink at a place that had donkey parking!
It’s total gridlock!
Nice ass
asinine, even
The guy in front of me at the coffee shop today was a complete donkey. Just a total ass.
I’m surrounded by jackasses.
The latest models on display at the local Donkey & Coffee meetup.
Nothing like a couple asses in line to ruin your day
These early morning customers are such asses before they get their coffee.
That’s just Juan Valdez making the bean delivery.
Eeyore needs his double shot.
You can’t park there
completely assinine
This just makes me feel joyful I don’t understand why
This is a typical New Forest Scene!
I watched this movie before the Oscars. It was ok .. I gave it 5/7.
that’s ridonkulous!
Where is this place? I need to live here.
Eeyore coming in for his daily dose of ‘depresso’.
Came here for a coffee, leaving with a donkey….
Where is this at?