The Problem With White People | The Problem With Jon Stewart | Apple TV+
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The Problem With White People | The Problem With Jon Stewart | Apple TV+
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The actual main source of white racism is the soft bigotry of low expectations, looking down on black people by treating them like children who need white people to save them, treating drug dealing or rapists who got shot by cops as martyrs and the faces of the black race in a way you never would for a white Italian gangster who got caught while committing a crime, because they see black people and crime as inseparable. If you want to help the black race hold them to as high an expectation as you would a white or asian person.
It’s weird watching this episode because I remember Jon looking into the camera in 2007 on TDS and saying “no one can say America is a racist nation [after electing Obama]”.
Pretty quiet around here. What’s up fellow crackers? Can’t take it?
Beating a dead, onerous horse. You’re better than that, Jon.