The Dreamcast, as much a part of my childhood as the PS2, maybe more so. Great system, but it suffered from poor game selection. Not that there weren’t some games I remember fondly. Echo the Dolphin, Toy Commander, Soul Calibur, Hydro Thunder, Resident Evil: Code Veronica. But it did not have the selection of Nintendo or Playstation.
I remember really wanting one but I just couldn’t buy one with no money as a kid, but eventually I got a PS2 since I was sold on KH. I still wish I could have had a DC at some point back then lol.
When this console came out a friend of mine brought his over to play Phantasy Star Online on my DSL. My dad bought shenmue for us later that year. I bought the console from him years later and still play Sega bass fishing with the reel remote to this day! We also played soul calibur.
Pretty eye-catching ngl, smart marketing choice.
love the dreamcast triangle on the white part of the box
I had a friend who imported the Japanese version before the US release. The box is pretty funny. The man was the president of Sega at the time IIRC.
Potentially my favorite older console. Only competition would be PS2.
I still think it’s the best console name in history and likely will never be outdone.
The *Dreamcast*. Like damn man, whoever named that system landed on perfection.
If only it didnt use cds
Yep, still have mine packed away in the original box. Serious nostalgia vibes from this console, those were good times.
Whenever I see a Dreamcast, I’m immediately reminded of Jet Set Radio, and then I can’t help but smile and go listen to the soundtrack.
It’s craaaaaaaaazy taxi
The Dreamcast, as much a part of my childhood as the PS2, maybe more so. Great system, but it suffered from poor game selection. Not that there weren’t some games I remember fondly. Echo the Dolphin, Toy Commander, Soul Calibur, Hydro Thunder, Resident Evil: Code Veronica. But it did not have the selection of Nintendo or Playstation.
I remember really wanting one but I just couldn’t buy one with no money as a kid, but eventually I got a PS2 since I was sold on KH. I still wish I could have had a DC at some point back then lol.
Sexy. Every inch of her. Greatest console of all time.
I miss you baby (╥﹏╥)
…….it’s thinking…
When this console came out a friend of mine brought his over to play Phantasy Star Online on my DSL. My dad bought shenmue for us later that year. I bought the console from him years later and still play Sega bass fishing with the reel remote to this day! We also played soul calibur.
Played the typing of the dead on that thing! Killing zombies was the best way to learn how to type
Soulcalibur on it still to this day looks and plays incredible.
An arcade port from 1999 that was literally better than the arcade. Amazing.
Still the highest rated fighting game ever made, and the fourth-highest-rated video game of all-time.
The music and artwork alone makes it a digital masterpiece. A stunning piece of silicon perfection.
The legend will never die.
I bet OP wasn’t even alive when Dreamcast released,
There’s something that looks incredibly modern about its packaging.
Badass console
I could only afford the GameCast 🙁