Wednesday, March 12All That Matters

The Orville: New Horizons | Sneak Peek Episode 9 | Domino | Hulu


  • so…the last episode I remember watching was with the robot friend and his race invading the world. Don’t remember much after. Was that the season 2 finale? season 3 released like 3-4 years later? it was so long ago

  • At first I thought how nice it was that most of the episodes were over an hour long, then I realized they have WAAAAY too many overly dramatic scenes that fill up that run time. Do we really need another 3 minute scene of the Orville landing on Kaylon? It makes the opening Enterprise scene from the 1979 movie seem short.

    I swear, every single shuttle scene, only the pilots are seated. Plenty of seats in the back but everyone else is in a standing stoic position the entire time, naturally with dramatic music playing.

    Even though Mocclans are super bigots, there’s oddly no friction at all when their military is quickly integrated with the Krill and you see them fighting side by side.

    The scene where Malloy is playing acoustic guitar is a tad cringe. This triggered PTSD from when Teyla (Stargate Atlantis) decided to exercise her singing talents in an episode.

    Apparently with the new Kayon weapon, theres no middle ground. The ethical dilemia goes like this, either its used to exterminate them all, or not used. Theres no “Why not just use it to drive them from our region of space? Once they leave we’ll back off…?”. This could have easily been a Hiroshima/Nagasaki moment, but instead they destroy only a few dozen Kaylon ships to advance the story. And they only have the one prototype, which can only be operated by Isaac and Ensign Burke, yet its stolen and backwards engineered in half a day.

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