The original 1990 “pilot” for Batman: The Animated Series, which premiered on Sept 5th ’92. An animation reel made to offer Fox execs a glimpse of what the series would eventually look like
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And then DC Animated Universe was born…
My guy dodging bullets but not that punch.
So I remember this with different music as the intro. So I guess they reused it.
Thank god they didn’t include that bat bullet dodge in the show that was terrible
It’s interesting how much more elastic and cartoony the movement is.
For those that don’t know short animated pilots are how animated shows get pitched. Usually no longer than 5 minutes.
Also if you watch the [title sequence for the animated series](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rrmUk2YUm14) there are some VERY similar shots but way cleaner.
Batgod effortlessly avoiding advancing bullets!
I did not know that Batman can move faster than bullets.
The documentary on this is so good[here ya go.](https://www.youtube.com/live/dZLpDvQ6vFI?si=6DLuVx2Wa9n-d041). It can be found on YouTube.
Let’s be honest. The music sold it.
Fantastic animation for being 33 years old
I saw this in 92 animation class at SVA. The teacher there worked on it. The one we saw had blood in it that the teacher said they were removing.
Those Spiderman eyes
That was really cool to behold
Love it.
That Ren and Stimpy close up face they had for him just about killed me haha.
Excellent series drawn on black paper !
Shirley Walker batman music is best batman music.
Zoom in on narrow eyes
He narrows them more
Where could one watch this for free? The series
RIP Kevin Conroy, the best Batman, my Batman.
My guy is dodging bullets, but not that punch.