Regardless of what he accomplishes in basketball, Latrell Sprewell will live in infamy as the player who attacked and threatened to kill his coach. During a Golden State Warriors practice in 1997, Sprewell snapped, choking P.J. Carlesimo before **returning about 20 minutes later to continue the assault.**
(My favorite quote)
Sprewell deemed the punishment too harsh. “I wasn’t choking P.J. that hard,” Sprewell told 60 Minutes. **”I mean, he could still breathe.”**
Looks like a repost. I’ve seen this image 1 time.
First Seen [Here]( on 2023-01-04 100.0% match.
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The toughest Team of the era.
Go New York, go New York, GO!
Regardless of what he accomplishes in basketball, Latrell Sprewell will live in infamy as the player who attacked and threatened to kill his coach. During a Golden State Warriors practice in 1997, Sprewell snapped, choking P.J. Carlesimo before **returning about 20 minutes later to continue the assault.**
(My favorite quote)
Sprewell deemed the punishment too harsh. “I wasn’t choking P.J. that hard,” Sprewell told 60 Minutes. **”I mean, he could still breathe.”**
They used to get smacked around by Cleveland and Chicago