This was exactly the same thing that happened to my friend when we saw them at a festival live haha. This exact moment in Nude. He wasn’t a big fan but it was a festival and he of course stuck around to see them.
Right after this moment in Nude he turns to me and goes “oh ok, I get it now, yeah they are amazing”
I remember being a teenager. Pyramid Song music video had just started playing that summer on mtv. I had seen it in passing but always changed the channel. The beat of the song was so unorthodox it didn’t even sound like a coherent song to me.
Then one day I was waiting in my friends living room for him to get ready to go hang out. And the song came on the tv again. And I sat through the entire thing. And about halfway through… totally clicked. They’ve been my favorite band since that exact moment. I was blown away.
I really like this guy. I’ve seen this one before and love how he starts off thinking ‘*this’ll be OK, I’ll be able to work this out as I go along like most of my other videos*’. Then watching him do a double take again and again and then finally give in to just experiencing it. It could have come off as him not knowing his shit, but actually plays out as him really understanding his shit well enough to be amazed in a positive way.
I must have listened to Nude about 10000 times when I thru-hiked the Appalachian Trail. One of my favorite songs of all time. Great for belting out in a forest singalong as well. 🙂
A good pair of earphones, in a dark room, knowing you won’t be disturbed, and just allowing yourself to fall into this song… An absolutely beautiful experience. Gives me a frisson just thinking about it.
That “From the Basement” recording blew me away when I first saw it. I love the intimacy, like just hanging on the side of a practice space for a rehearsal. Their talent, all of them, is so apparent.
Radiohead are amazing, by far my favorite band. I often cannot listen to it because it can be too much for me.
That said, these YouTube reaction videos are schtick. They pick bands that people LOVE so they’re drawn to the video. Then they gush over how good they are and of course people feel affirmed and like the video.
It can be interesting to hear an expert breakdown why a song you love works… but really, you’re a musician who didn’t know Radiohead and had to record yourself listening for the first time?
I know there are legitimate experts who are 25 years old and weren’t there for OK Computer but come on. It’s like discovering Shakespeare… yeah, the guy was good, everybody knows.
It’s 2003. I’m in my late teens and me and a good friend are in his car parked in front of another friends house waiting for some really heavy Florida summer rain to pass as we roll up a large joint. We spark it while I pop in the cassette adapter to my portable CD player, and introduce him to Amnesiac. He was into heavier rock, his favorite band always having been Deftones. But as “Pulk/Pull Revolving Doors” came on and blew his high mind apart only to have it be melted right after by “You and Whose Army” he immediately got it. It’s one of my favorite Radiohead memories.
I’ve never given this band a chance. I was and still am a music contrarian and have an innate disliking of popular music. It’s silly, but whatever. Anyway, when Creep came out and these guys exploded, they were everywhere and were the antithesis of my musical experience. Ever since then they’ve just never been investigated.
After this video and a few of the comments in this thread, I may have to take an edible and explore some Radiohead this weekend.
Radiohead is one of those rare bands who’s live performances rival and even transcend their remarkable studio achievements. Top 3 best concerts ive seen. No samples just a band creating all these sounds in realtime
Thank you for so clearly and expertly translating the language of music. This helps me to appreciate the craftsmanship and the “art” much more
Amazingly talented singer turns out to be exceptional vocalist.
This was exactly the same thing that happened to my friend when we saw them at a festival live haha. This exact moment in Nude. He wasn’t a big fan but it was a festival and he of course stuck around to see them.
Right after this moment in Nude he turns to me and goes “oh ok, I get it now, yeah they are amazing”
I forget how good they are sometimes. In Rainbows has to be my favorite
Listen to the dissect podcast, Cole is breaking down In Rainbows and there is some incredible detail in that album.
I remember being a teenager. Pyramid Song music video had just started playing that summer on mtv. I had seen it in passing but always changed the channel. The beat of the song was so unorthodox it didn’t even sound like a coherent song to me.
Then one day I was waiting in my friends living room for him to get ready to go hang out. And the song came on the tv again. And I sat through the entire thing. And about halfway through… totally clicked. They’ve been my favorite band since that exact moment. I was blown away.
What’s the song that is being sung in the clip?
I really like this guy. I’ve seen this one before and love how he starts off thinking ‘*this’ll be OK, I’ll be able to work this out as I go along like most of my other videos*’. Then watching him do a double take again and again and then finally give in to just experiencing it. It could have come off as him not knowing his shit, but actually plays out as him really understanding his shit well enough to be amazed in a positive way.
He did a follow up looking at Weird Fishes/Arpeggi which is equally enchanting. Link:[Weird fishes (from the Basement)](
I thought it would be during Weird Fishes/Arpeggi
Oh, I thought this was going to be a comedy bit. I just got tricked into watching a reaction video…
Nude is one of their best songs, and In Rainbows their best album. Fight me.
I must have listened to Nude about 10000 times when I thru-hiked the Appalachian Trail. One of my favorite songs of all time. Great for belting out in a forest singalong as well. 🙂
A good pair of earphones, in a dark room, knowing you won’t be disturbed, and just allowing yourself to fall into this song… An absolutely beautiful experience. Gives me a frisson just thinking about it.
Jeff Buckley gave me the same vibes
That “From the Basement” recording blew me away when I first saw it. I love the intimacy, like just hanging on the side of a practice space for a rehearsal. Their talent, all of them, is so apparent.
What he talks about, about restraint, is key for me. A lot of what Radiohead do is what you encounter in jazz, the not playing of things.
It’s like the three stages of learning how to play music.
1) Playing notes is hard
2) Playing notes is easy now!
3) NOT playing notes is HARD
Radiohead are amazing, by far my favorite band. I often cannot listen to it because it can be too much for me.
That said, these YouTube reaction videos are schtick. They pick bands that people LOVE so they’re drawn to the video. Then they gush over how good they are and of course people feel affirmed and like the video.
It can be interesting to hear an expert breakdown why a song you love works… but really, you’re a musician who didn’t know Radiohead and had to record yourself listening for the first time?
I know there are legitimate experts who are 25 years old and weren’t there for OK Computer but come on. It’s like discovering Shakespeare… yeah, the guy was good, everybody knows.
Miss the days first listening to this album when it came out. It was magical. My favorite album from Radiohead.
Once you get it there’s no going back.
It’s 2003. I’m in my late teens and me and a good friend are in his car parked in front of another friends house waiting for some really heavy Florida summer rain to pass as we roll up a large joint. We spark it while I pop in the cassette adapter to my portable CD player, and introduce him to Amnesiac. He was into heavier rock, his favorite band always having been Deftones. But as “Pulk/Pull Revolving Doors” came on and blew his high mind apart only to have it be melted right after by “You and Whose Army” he immediately got it. It’s one of my favorite Radiohead memories.
I’ve never given this band a chance. I was and still am a music contrarian and have an innate disliking of popular music. It’s silly, but whatever. Anyway, when Creep came out and these guys exploded, they were everywhere and were the antithesis of my musical experience. Ever since then they’ve just never been investigated.
After this video and a few of the comments in this thread, I may have to take an edible and explore some Radiohead this weekend.
I was in on radiohead from the first time I heard them. Paranoid Android on the Big Shiny Tunes 2. What a compilation.
Radiohead is one of those rare bands who’s live performances rival and even transcend their remarkable studio achievements. Top 3 best concerts ive seen. No samples just a band creating all these sounds in realtime
I don’t get radiohead tbh
This is probably the only guitar reaction guy I can handle just cause he seems like a nice dude