The moment she realizes I’m scratching another dog.
The moment she realizes I’m scratching another dog.
by u/Sunshinyabyss in funny
View Reddit by Sunshinyabyss – View Source
The moment she realizes I’m scratching another dog.
The moment she realizes I’m scratching another dog.
by u/Sunshinyabyss in funny
View Reddit by Sunshinyabyss – View Source
It got awkward for everyone…
Top 10 Anime Betrayals
Not funny, just mean.
Looks like one of these pups is feeling pawly neglected!
And I looked at him and he looked at me
“What do you mean I’m cheating, I don’t see a ring on this finger!”
*record scratch*
When the spouce and girlfriend meet…
when you’re with new company
Damn the black dog looks so similar to my dog.
That’s the same look my girl friend gives me when she catches me on the pronhub at 4am
The black dog was like, what, what did I do?
My dog will run up and shove the other dog away with his shoulder and stand where the other dog was.
That look of betrayal.
We have two dogs – both Aussies. If the younger one is getting pets / scratches and the older one is jealous the older one will squeak a toy or otherwise distract her younger brother. Once her brother chases after her, she’ll hop into the snuggle spot.
She would not have let this situation stand.
Do you mind me asking the breed of the black one?
Mine always attack me if they smell another dog then avoid me for a while.
the happy panting to skeptical blep killed me

This is the only thing that managed to make me lol.
Dogs get jealous and sad when they see this. My friend had a poodle who was lively and happy and jumped everywhere when my friend came home. One day he brought home a second dog – the first dog’s personality immediately changed. He lay down under the dining room table and stayed there. Wouldn’t come out to play or even eat. My friend had to bring the second dog back to the shelter. When the first dog realized this, he was his old self again. It was amazing.
The tension is palpable.
You have 2 hands you monster!
I have a parakeet that gets jealous if I give scritches to one of the cockatiels.
Hey op. This black dog looks almost exactly like my dog. Do you know what breed/mix it is?
Jealousy is a bitch
This is what happens when your main bitch finds out about the side bitch lol
Typical Golden.