The moment learning of my first patient death as a healthcare provider.
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The moment learning of my first patient death as a healthcare provider.
View Reddit by SquiddlyB – View Source
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Damn why would someone take a picture of you?
Wtf why did someone take a picture of this? That’s fucked up.
I see some folks upset that this was taken but I’m assuming OP is really the person in the photo and that she approves of sharing the moment. Sorry for your loss, I can tell you’re a caring healthcare worker.
As much as these moments are intensely, heartbreakingly personal, I find it reasuring and comforting to know that when I find myself under the care of a professional healthcare worker, they will care about me as much as this photo shows you caring for the person who passed.
I hope you feel better soon OP, it’s touching to see raw emotion at the passing of a stranger.
>13 years and my wife still knows when i lose a patient i think i should not have lost. my midlevel can tell.
i pretend it doesn’t affect me, it clearly does more than i admit to myself. sometimes you see it coming, sometimes you think it’s overdue. sometimes it’s a kick in the jaw.
good luck friend. sorry you got kicked in the jaw
That’s heartbreaking…but like other’s have pointed out, what is the point of OP posting this?
Let’s post it for internet karma!!!! Look how sad I am guys!
How is this not staged? Who would look at this and say “Well gee, I should snag a photo of that!” ??
Nobody would.
Why would u post this
Weird thing to take a photo of and even weirder thing to post online. Seems very karma whorey.
This is going to blow up on r/cringetopia
I havre the exact same 20 kg calibration weight…. my old boss gave it to me when we replaced the scales. Why is there one in a doctors office?
Getting very Travis Scott Astroworld apology vibes…
Why would you ever post something so private on the internet?
What type of person takes this photo?? What the hell man. You are messed up…
I have walked into a patients room and was the first to find them dead; semi rigid, lukewarm, vomit on the sheets, face contorted from aspirating and choking. First instinct was to check breathing and pulse, not to take a picture of my distress and post it online
Weird ass picture. I work in healthcare and neither I nor any of my coworkers would ever take a pic of someone like this or upload a pic like this of ourselves. Cringe. Anything for Reddit karma I guess…?
And why is the moment being photographed and shared for social media
So sick of this smartphone camera culture. In another era the person holding the camera would have been consoling you.
What a psycho to post this to Reddit…. Does this make you feel heroic?
Seems like the staff has made quite a game out of it for rookies. PATHETIC!
“Do me a favour and get a picture of me while I sit in the floor covering my head and looking sad.”
I felt something off here. Looked at the comments and im not the only one. Weird fking workd we live in
Please down vote this shit. Why would you even post it? Karma whores.
Quick snap a pic of me being sad, gotta post it and get that sweet karma.
dude why would you post this
imagine dying and the healthcare workers posts a pic of themselves on reddit for karma
Your post before this one talks about you being in medical research less than 2 months ago. How are you a “healthcare provider” all of a sudden and have your own “patient”? Sounds fishy to me, as there’s no way you’re a doc, PA or even nurse…
As a doctor myself, no healthcare provider I know would post a picture of themselves going through this for the first time just for internet likes.
People fart on that chair you know. Get your head off the seat you filthy animal.
Why would you make this about YOU?
What a weird fucking thing to share to the internet.
Awww a Kodak moment
yeeeeh, get those internet points!
Learned of a death but aren’t at the bedside? This is weird
Yeah so let’s post pics of it… fuck off and stop feeding off attention. Go be a healthcare worker.
Melodramatic much. Fuck you no ones cares do your job.
This is stupid. Go to jail.
So disingenuous that this was literally reposted on r/Cringetopia and rightfully so. Way to take advantage of someone’s death for clout and attention.
I see you.
No hate and all but why would someone literally film you when you are on the phone working
And why would you post such a “personal” moment in your carrier on reddit in the first place?
Everything gets recorded like we are all some kind of spies nowadays.. i dont get it
Again, no hate.
Heh. Ah god I’m jaded
“Hey can you please take a picture when I have my head down pretending to cry so it can be uploaded online? That looks bad, let’s do it one more time”
# Girl. Stop it.
This is the most pathetic attempt at validation fishing I’ve seen in a while, this is bad even for reddit
This is weird
What’s with the filter?