I remember in the early-mid 2000’s when Star Wars was arguably at it’s peak in video games. Titles such as KOTOR, Star Wars: Battlefront and the Jedi Knight games were all new entries around that time (All three of which have gone down as timeless classics) Star Wars: Jedi Knight: Jedi Outcast and Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy we’re possibly two of my all time favourite Star Wars games and even to this day they both still hold their own in the gaming world. I remember vividly one thing these games had above any other game at that time. The Mod community. Never have I seen a more active Mod scene than what was around during the time of these games release. From the skins right down to the game modes, it had it all and it was absolutely epic! Was anybody else here around on it during that time?
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Moviebattles II was insanely good. Improved the base lightsaber combat so much.
This is a series id like to see a reboot of. Been a fan since dark forces 2
Remember the Xbox live lobbies for Jedi Academy. Played with one guy who was ranked number 1 in the game. I remember learning so many cool fighting techniques and frame boosts for certain attacks. I became very good over a period of a summer, such amazing memories of it!!
It was basically one of the games that made modding widespread. Jedi Academy is also one of the first instances of mods dictating the design of a sequel.
Ah, these games were so fun. My buddy had 4 PCs in his house, so we’d LAN Outcast all the time. Those were the days haha.
I wish theyd bring back the lightsaber combat from these. It was easily the best, and still is
Loved the series since Dark Forces. I want a continuation but I’m not confident that they wouldn’t trash the story and characters.
The fact someone made a full vr port was insane
[This clip](https://imgur.com/a/N9lCuVp) perfectly sums up the awesomeness that Jedi Academy multiplayer was
really wish they remake this game, remade in the fox engine or unreal would be well…unreal
When mods were used to make different/better game instead of fixing the game for free for Todd Howard.
Massassi Temple represent!
Oh man this takes me back I would scroll jk2files for hours
The mod scene for Jedi Academy in particular was ridiculous. What other game let Qui Gon, Homer, Wilford Brimley, the Predator and Hitler lightsaber fight on top of Saruman’s tower?
They recently announced a movie battles multiplayer that’s coming out. Trailer was pretty dope.
I thought Jedi Fallen Order was going to be like this… boy was I disappointed
The mods for Quake 3 engine had to be made in C++ as dlls and integrated pretty much directly in the engine, so they were really powerful! I think this contributed a lot to how good the mods for these games were. Also, 3d modeling standards were probably at peak quality while still being accessible to people without specialized experience or equipment.
old star wars games in general seem to have insane modding communities and also amazing mod potential.
Look at EaW and SWBF2
Why do you think people are moving to PC and never going back? It’s the mods
My brother built a multiplayer map for Jedi Academy back in the day, he was so proud when he released it. Thanks for the reminder.
Outcast multiplayer tossing people off the map was the most fun in death match I’ve ever had
The knights of the force mod was by far the best mod I’ve played (total conversion) of any game to date! – for jedi academy
im just waiting for a kyle katarn appearence in one of the future shows/seasons of existing ones tbh
Baron’s Heed RPG (I think that’s the one I’m thinking of) for JK:DF2 was amazing. It had roles you could pick. It’s been a long time and my memory is hazy, but like basically towns people (Mayor, Guards) vs criminals maybe? I loved it.
So, can I get pointed 8n the direction of these mods pls
Just bought both these a few days ago. Never had the chance to play them when they came out.
Jedi Outcast was one of my favorite games growing up, I remember being in complete awe at how fun multiplayer lightsaber battles were. Still one of my fondest gaming memories.
Jedi Outcast and Jedi Academy were my favorite games when I was in middle school.
The Star Wars community is insane, the things they do for the rest of the fans is just amazing.
I was extremely obsessed with JK2. I met my first group of truly online friends in these games. We played in online tournament ladders. We had a clan with ranks, clan wars, alliances /spying, and sabotage. I learned how to mod (just making maps) to create a map for our server that I hosted off my second PC in my room.
I went on to play SWG with all those people and boy did we get just as obsessed in that game.
I remember Lugor mod and JA+.Man had some great memories from JKA
Jedi academy 2, one of my all time favorite Star Wars games, I remember it being the first game I could dual-wield lightsabers
I’ve just started Dark Forces, working my way through the series.
£2.89 for Dark Forces 1 & 2, Mysteries of the Sith and Jedi Knight 1 & 2. Not too shabby
Not was, is. [Massassi.net](https://Massassi.net) is still going.
In JA I had epic battles between Harry Potter and weird al
Downloading all kinds of maps and playing them was a blast.
Rancor Park was amazing!!!!!
First game that I played modded if I’m remembering correctly.
Is* insane. There’s still active modders out there. Movie Duels 2 is getting a multiplayer mode.
Can anyone explain to me why Outcast was named Jedi Knight 2 and yet Jedi Academy is Jedi Knight (not 3)?
As a person who didn’t pay attention to the releases and first played around 2005, it used to make me think Jedi Outcast was 2 and Jedi Academy was 1. Why did they do it this way?