Sunday, March 9All That Matters

The mod community on the PC versions of the Jedi Knight series was insane.


I remember in the early-mid 2000’s when Star Wars was arguably at it’s peak in video games. Titles such as KOTOR, Star Wars: Battlefront and the Jedi Knight games were all new entries around that time (All three of which have gone down as timeless classics) Star Wars: Jedi Knight: Jedi Outcast and Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy we’re possibly two of my all time favourite Star Wars games and even to this day they both still hold their own in the gaming world. I remember vividly one thing these games had above any other game at that time. The Mod community. Never have I seen a more active Mod scene than what was around during the time of these games release. From the skins right down to the game modes, it had it all and it was absolutely epic! Was anybody else here around on it during that time?


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