The microwave at work died. Someone took the time write an obituary.
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The microwave at work died. Someone took the time write an obituary.
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Rest In peace in peace Mikey
A Haiku that was written for it too: https://imgur.com/m7VQm81
One of those unsung heros in the workplace. Youre off the hook buddy. In peace, in piece, rest
I like the RIP in peace at the end.
Rest In Pieces In Peace. Solid lol
Reheat In Peace, Mikey
I hear this in Professor Slughorn’s voice
when real men cried
Omg my God
Seems like something somebody would do on a government salary, on a government printer
Our microwave died at the office and they put a smaller one on top of the dead one.
This is the weird office culture we’re really missing by working from home, not the awful team building exercises and motivational bulletin boards
We took you for granted, office microwave. In your passing we see the very shadow of our own.
I’m guessing RIP in peace is rotate in place in peace, referring to the turntable inside.
Why am I feeling sad about a microwave I’ve never met?
Dicks out for Mikey
Rip Chef Mikey
Is this an inadvertent spectrum disorder test? These comments….
I did something similar years ago for the mice at my work.
Theres a trap that always get set at the end of one of our hallways and its caught about 3 in the span of a few weeks once.
I drew a big triangular block of Swiss cheese and add little cut out flowers to stuff inside of it like a bouquet. Then I made a little tombstone and taped them both on the wall down beside the trap.
The tombstone read.
R.I.P – 3 BLIND MICE (at least I assume they were blind, I mean look at the size of this trap)
Valhalla can now warm up their pop tarts.
so funny and wholesome at the same time, I love it
The Effort. The Production Value. I miss office fun.
These things always happen in threes, keep an eye on the coffee maker and the copier now
Why am i crying at an obituary of a microwave?
I love working at places with coworkers this funny/awesome
The RIP in peace nails it lol
Pretty sure this is better than I’ll get when I die..
The Brave Little Toaster is a masterpiece
Rest in peace in peace little friend
RIP in peace 😔
When I open a beer this evening, I’ll pour a little out for our homey.
Rest peacefully in peace.
I ain’t dead.