February 17, 2022 by Beginning_Response [ad_1] The lives We’ve lived.. [ad_2] View Reddit by Beginning_Response – View Source
No wrist strap on the Wiimote means it wasn’t played or ended up in the TV. February 17, 2022 at 5:00 pm Reply
Hand model exposed as hand model rather than game enthusiast, shocking February 17, 2022 at 5:19 pm Reply
This would be much nicer when it was from young person to old in years February 17, 2022 at 5:37 pm Reply
Who sits on the gaps of the couch cushions? It’s always stiffer on the ends. February 17, 2022 at 5:47 pm Reply
Man, the sega dreamcast didn’t get the love that it deserved. Power stone, crazy taxi, even space channel 5. February 17, 2022 at 5:50 pm Reply
Why is this dude always sitting on the crack between two sofa cushions? February 17, 2022 at 6:01 pm Reply
Dusted off my Dreamcast about a week ago. That system was great and the games still hold up imo. February 17, 2022 at 8:19 pm Reply
Using the analogue stick on the PSone and the Dpad on the N64, Dreamcast and Xbox[2001]. Nah, I don’t think you’ve lived this life. February 17, 2022 at 10:03 pm Reply
OG PSX controller didn’t have sticks. Also missing og Xbox controller. February 18, 2022 at 1:09 am Reply
Gotta throw in the first DS and Gameboy Advance SP
No original PS1 controller, sad.
Why he holding the n64 controller like that 🧐
The GameCube controller is still my favorite
No sega genesis
No wrist strap on the Wiimote means it wasn’t played or ended up in the TV.
RIP mouse and keyboard
3 generations old now. Crazy
What kind of monster holds the n64 controller like that?!
What SEGA controller was that? My Genesis had curved controllers.
I used to Master System Birthday edition
This dude gripping the fuck out those controller lol
Should have been a Duke controller for og Xbox
I have to PS3
Hand model exposed as hand model rather than game enthusiast, shocking
Bros arms are so hairy
This would be much nicer when it was from young person to old in years
Who sits on the gaps of the couch cushions? It’s always stiffer on the ends.
Man, the sega dreamcast didn’t get the love that it deserved. Power stone, crazy taxi, even space channel 5.
Mouse > Gamepad
Why is this dude always sitting on the crack between two sofa cushions?
intellivision never gets any love
That’s not how you hold a N64 controller
Would’ve been cool if the hands aged too
Still cool though
I miss my Dreamcast.
One picture should’ve been him just jerking off. Lol
Floor. Floor never changes.
I see no keyboard and mouse….
Dusted off my Dreamcast about a week ago. That system was great and the games still hold up imo.
I was prepared to see a guy on the toilet with a smartphone….
Xbox 360 held the greatest years of my life.
Using the analogue stick on the PSone and the Dpad on the N64, Dreamcast and Xbox[2001].
Nah, I don’t think you’ve lived this life.
That n64 grip. Yikes
OG PSX controller didn’t have sticks.
Also missing og Xbox controller.
Why the fuck you holding the 64 controller like that?