wow those in-car scenes look awful. surely someone out there has a playbook on how to make studio shot car travel look somewhat realistic as a starting point with it getting better with effort/money.
Looks absolutely horrible. When you go from Matthew McConaghey being so good as Haller, to this new lead who seems as charismatic as a wet piece of toilet roll.. it makes no sense.
It looks like the same kinda production you’d see in a NCIS spin off type show. It’s a shame, I love the books and this trailer just doesn’t look or feel like those. The movie captured it much better.
Looks kinda bland. Wish they would’ve went with Logan Marshall-Green as Haller, as initially reported.
i enjoyed the Matthew McConaughey movie. The charisma from this lead is nowhere near McConaughey.
wow those in-car scenes look awful. surely someone out there has a playbook on how to make studio shot car travel look somewhat realistic as a starting point with it getting better with effort/money.
Looks absolutely horrible. When you go from Matthew McConaghey being so good as Haller, to this new lead who seems as charismatic as a wet piece of toilet roll.. it makes no sense.
It looks like the same kinda production you’d see in a NCIS spin off type show. It’s a shame, I love the books and this trailer just doesn’t look or feel like those. The movie captured it much better.
*Allwrong, allwrong, allwrong*
Was this a competition for how many clichés they could shove in 2 minutes?
“Fake it till you make it”
“You gotta believe you can win”
“I want my family back”
“There’s something really weird going on here”
“Don’t ask questions you don’t want the answers to”
“This is your one shot, so you better take it”
Hard pass.
Hope it’s as good as The Rural Juror
I am apparently in the minority because I hated MM as Mickey. I’m happy to see another actor in the role.