Thursday, March 27All That Matters

The last in person midnight release I went to for RDR2, Oct 2018


  • I can still remember the midnight release for the Gamecube, so vividly this many years later.

    The local Electronics Boutique handed out raffle tickets to ‘set the order’.

    Some douche offered $300 AUD to get the lowest ticket there. The family with it happily obliged.

    Then the family got called first, as it was lottery style not ascending order. They grabbed two extra controllers and another game with the money.

    Bloody hilarious, made my night.

  • This is something I miss about gaming with the rise of digital and online connectivity. I remember queuing for ages to get Modern Warfare II (2009) late at night and the queue was full of people laughing, smiling, excited and super chatty. The hype was real. Gaming now is all about sticking a headset on and downloading digital games. I feel sorry for the new gamers because there’s nothing better than couch co-op with friends or queuing for midnight launches and they won’t get to experience any of that.

  • Is this a major city or something? I was at my local gamestop as well on release night/morning. It looked nothing like this. I woulda turned and walked out regardless of the special they were running on one x’s and rdr2

  • I never went to a midnight release.

    I simply ordered the games online and most often got them 1 to 2 days early 😂

    I go to bed at midnight. No way I stay up to get a game that I won’t play until the next morning anyway.

  • I went to Gamestop to get my wife her Limited Edition Shenmue 3 set.

    The employees had forgotten the game was even coming out and I was the only person in the store.

    The employees really enjoyed drawing out the process of just handing over the game too, just a sad power play.

  • My wife (then girlfriend) surprised me by going to the midnight launch of World of Warcraft and fought off a gaggle of nerds to bring it to me. Only midnight launch I have been a part of, and she did all the work. I should make her breakfast.

  • Best game I’ve ever played. I always think of that meme of the guy who says “is this game always going to be this slow?” Smash cut to him weeping at the ending.

    A beautiful game that was brave enough to tell a story at its own pace.

  • I went ro the midnight release for RDR 2 and my sister and brother in law joined me. I was telling them about how this is a huge event with some games because neither of them are gamers. After being excited all day and ramping it up. We were the only ones in the mall except for the people selling me the game. Child hood dream shattered. I was 22 and that was my first midnight release. Kinda comical

  • Only one I’ve ever done was for TOTK. The only reason I did was because it was around $35-38 because of a trade in deal that knocked off $50 (I factored in the cost of the games traded in), and because I got wood. Still haven’t touched the game.

  • I used to LOVE midnight releases in London as it was on Oxford street which (at the time when I lived in London) had largely decent late night travel links so it didn’t feel awful getting home at 1-2am. I attended them personally and professionally and loved the atmosphere.

    I remember doing a Call of Duty one (can’t remember which) and had a camera crew follow me to purchase my copy and ask why I was there late (I think because I was one of the few token women there for themselves). I had some really nice chats with people in the queue as I was on my own and a ton of guys kind of just kept me company by chatting with me which was really sweet of them.

    I think the last one I went to was for Nintendo 3DS and I got to play against Ono-san and speak my awful broken Japanese with him. He was wonderful.

    I went to a bunch though for work as I covered games freelance. One of my highlights was getting invited to cover midnight launches and (typically) get given a goodie bag (which usually had the game inside and some merch) and then going to the back of the queue and giving it to someone who obviously just got off work or travelled all the way there to get a copy.

    My highlight was Starcraft 2 launch as the goodie bag was pretty nice (copy of SC2, latest WoW Expac, Game time and some codes for stuff in WoW). I had already pre-ordered SC2 and had no interest in playing WoW at that time so I gave my bad to a guy who had been in the queue an hour and a half. He was so excited and offered to walk me to the station if I was on worried about going on my own but I had already sorted a ride home. Lovely guy.

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