Tuesday, March 11All That Matters

The LA City Destroying Its Own Bike/Bus Lanes


  • This video is incredibly misleading. People RARELY use the buses in Culver City and they RARELY use that bike lane. I love the idea of those bus/bike lanes, but a terrible traffic situation got way worse.

    Edit: My data is based on my own experiences in East Culver City. I rarely see buses, I rarely see people at the bus stops and I rarely see people in the bike lane, but according to CC, the pilot program has been successful. Here’s a [source](http://moveculvercity.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/Move-Culver-City-Mid-Pilot-Report.pdf) I want the program to work, but I felt it was fair to point out my own experience.

  • This video is made to convince you of something and isn’t reliably showing the facts as they are. A lot of that “transit oriented” construction came because the city gave sweetheart contracts (out of nepotism) to specific contractors and tenants. A lot of those buildings are not being used anywhere near capacity, and no one rides the trains or buses. It’s also misleading because it’s only showing downtown Culver, not all of Culver. A block over from the main drag street that’s shown, on Venice Blvd, there’s no dedicated bike lanes like you see in this video. Also, traffic in downtown Culver has now become super congested as a result of the narrowing lanes. It has made transit through Culver City (really just a neighborhood of Los Angeles) super horrible and caused additional traffic spillage in nearby neighborhoods.

  • A good example of how policy change depends on convincing the people in general you are right, not just on convincing a few government officials at the top.

    I suspect the proponents of the bus and bike lanes were super stoked when the previous council overruled a bunch of pro-car NIMBYs to put the infrastructure in place, and didn’t consider that each of those neighbors they were disdaining can — and would — cast ballots in the next council election.

  • You’re citing opponents cherry picking images that show bad traffic while yourself citing a video from 7 years ago as evidence that cherry picks images to support it’s thesis.

  • A lot of bike/bus lines look empty because they efficiently get large amounts of people from point A to point B. The roads look congested because they’re an inefficient way to get people around. Each person taking up a entire car space worth of area. This is always what infuriated me with these photos because they make it seem like they are not being utilized.

  • I ride my bike quite a bit up here in Oregon where it regularly rains for much of the year. LA should have no excuse for being a very bike friendly city considering the weather they have there.

  • I grew up about 5 blocks from the spot shown at 20 seconds into the video, watching the city transform over the last 24 years has been pretty crazy. The eastern side of Culver city (close to the Washington / La Cienega intersection) used to be pretty sketchy when we moved in in 1999. We’d regularly have police helicopters shining spotlights into our backyard, I’ve been woken up in the middle of the night by cops trying to get into out backyard to chase after people on multiple occasions, our house got burgled twice, cars were broken into or stolen regularly, etc. The west side of Culver City was a pretty nice middle class area, though.

    Sometime around the mid to late 2000s an art gallery was opened because the rent was dirt cheap and Culver City is pretty close to several rich neighborhoods. That first gallery was extremely successful so several more opened up. This all started a domino effect of gentrification. Soon after lots of nice restaurants started opening up, real estate prices went up so lots of businesses had to move out of the area and were replaced with more upscale ones. Washington Blvd from National to La Cienega used to be a bunch of liquor/convenience stores and home remodeling businesses (tile stores, bathroom fixtures, etc). Now it’s mostly upscale restaurants and coffee shops, with a few boutique clothing stores and that sort of thing peppered in. Sony Studios has been around since before we moved in, but now Amazon has their movie studios in the area (though they just bought and replaced an existing one, I can’t remember which), A24 just opened a building in the area, and Apple has some kind of big office building there now. I visit every year for the holidays and it is wild how different it is each time. For reference, my parents bought their house in 1999 for $180,000 and last year they were offered $1.5 million. The house itself is probably worth nothing as it is extremely likely that whoever buys the place will just tear it down and build apartments.

    I can’t personally comment on the bus lanes / bike lanes since they were added after I moved out of the state in 2016, but my mom still lives there and from what she says it has made her commute significantly worse since she works outside of Culver City and can’t use the bus system they’ve implemented or the metro to get there. I’d imagine they’re pretty nice for people who live and work in the area, though.

  • I wonder if there’s a middle ground that would satisfy everyone. Emergency vehicles more or less have a dedicated lane they can use in emergencies and, when they’re not using it, the cars are using it. The cars move over when an alarm is blaring. What if you put flashing lights along the bus lane which would trigger when the bus is nearby, indicating to drivers that they need to get out of the lane temporarily? Are the buses infrequent enough to justify that or is this idea silly?

  • The office of my previous employer is on that street, it pops up a few times in the video. MPC baby! Love the area and I commuted from the other side of LA. If we didn’t do WFH I’d honestly consider moving to the area because it’s so walkable and pleasant. If anything I want this program to expand across all of LA. Such a sense of relief working in the area and just being able to walk everywhere.

  • The way this guy talks down to people in the community who oppose this project, like they’re idiotic children is a great example of why democrats lose elections. Those upset people in cars are people too and their opinions matter as much as the latte sipping, bike riding, liberals who love this sort of thing. At the bare minimum, if you’re so sure they’re wrong you have to make them understand why. In all likelihood though they probably have a point that this dude is ignoring/hiding.

  • Having lived here in Culver City through this entire transformation period, he’s actually right. The traffic does feel worse, but that’s far more because of the huge influx of people moving into what’s now one of the most popular cities in all of Los Angeles, due to every major streaming studio moving here. The city is far prettier and more interesting now and I’m glad they made the decisions they did.

  • Cars would be a fine transport system it’s the people who fail. They are ignorant when it comes to accelerating, lights, and spacing. For example, if a red light turns green if everyone accelerated at the same time at roughly the same speed every one would be moving but instead it’s one person at a time pushing down and accelerating because humans are pathetic when it comes to reaction time and thinking. Most people don’t deserve their licenses either. They need to make the tests much harder then we will have fewer idiots on the road and less congestion.

  • If the buses have to travel in the same car traffic as everyone then they are pointless. In order for them to be viable they need to be a faster way of travel than sitting in car traffic.

  • He’s wrong. There are 2 studios in that corridor, large employers, and the traffic during commute times in infinitely worse getting in and out of them. You’re not going to get thousands of crew members to take the bus.

  • This is about the automobile industry. This project worked so well it scares them. They will stop at nothing to secure their profits. Check the campaign financing of those three council members. I bet they have ties to Michigan.

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