The kid isn’t going to have me paying $15 bucks for frozen PBJs anymore.
The kid isn’t going to have me paying $15 bucks for frozen PBJs anymore. from funny
View Reddit by WilliamChased – View Source
The kid isn’t going to have me paying $15 bucks for frozen PBJs anymore.
The kid isn’t going to have me paying $15 bucks for frozen PBJs anymore. from funny
View Reddit by WilliamChased – View Source
“Lunch is ready”
Come to my house! My hubs works for Smuckers where they make the uncrustables and he is forever bringing home bags full! I have so many I don’t even know what to do with them. I used to love them, now I won’t eat them. I’m sick of ‘em 🤣
My kids are def gon eat that crust
The convenience of the uncrustable is that the pb and j don’t seep out since it’s sealed off on the edges.
Either that or teach them that the crust is actually good.
Hot take: crusts are okay to eat.
Why not make the press rectangular so there is less overall waste? Plus, you get a bigger sandwich.
For anyone that looking here’s the STL https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:250765
The secret is peanut butter on both breads, and jelly in the middle.
Tell him he’s 29 and can come out of the basement and make his own sandwich
“If you don’t like the crust pull it off yourself”
People paying $15 for pb&j?
They key to having a kid not be picky is never buy them to begin with.
15 dollar bucks
Actual PBJs are infinitely better than uncrustables.
Saves you a nice $15. Only costs about $2000 for a 3D Printer 👍
Idk why people think this is some crazy new invention. My mom had a spring and plunger style press to make these sandwiches for my sister… and that was like 25 years ago
Went from “ooh that’d be nice to have” to “oh wait I’m an adult who eats the crust”
You can also take the crust, throw it on some battered eggs. Pan them, add a little sugar and honey and boom. French toast sticks
Many years ago my good friends son loved spending time at my house. On my time off he loved coming over and staying the weekend. I was an active young guy and he loved camping and outdoors activities from a very young age. Something his parents hated, so they would get free babysitting and I got a toddler that was a chick magnet. So he was about 4 years old and his mom came over to pick him up, we were eating a quick lunch, deli turkey cold cuts on whole grain rolls and white milk. His mom saw him eating and was shocked. He hated bread, sandwiches, and milk. She asked him why he was eating stuff he claimed to hate. With a full mouth he told her I made better sandwiches. Sometimes kids don’t eat something just because they don’t have too. On a side note, I dislike a lot of common condiments. Mustard and mayo being at the top, my mom said when I was about two I told her I didn’t want a sandwich she made for me because it had mustard and mayo. I argued and she relented, I still don’t eat them and that was 53 years ago.
you can tell this isn’t the 3d printing sub because all the comments about how 3d printing isn’t food safe are missing.
Uncrustables are $15 now!? Sheesh …
I’m so confused. Frozen PBJs for $15? What??
My parents never bought uncrustables a day in my life and I’ve always hated them. Even when I was little and wanted the crust off of my bread my parents made me deal with it. Might’ve hated it then but now at least I’m not almost an adult that has to take the crust off of fucking bread.
I have never cut the crust off for my kids. They get a sandwich and eat it all. Guess I’m lucky
Now you can mess with the fillings and tell him they’re limited edition.
PB and Nutella, Fluffernutter, Oops all Mayo, etc.
Frozen… PB&J? Why?
Can’t the kid just eat a regular PB&J?
What does Smuckers do with all the crusts left over in their factory?
Roll the remaining crust into mini breadsticks. Mix a bit of butter, cinnamon, vanilla extract, and brown sugar together, heat it up, then pour it over those makeshift breadstick, pop in oven or air fryer and GET YOUR LIFE.
Now fry it and post the results. Dare.
People in here are really mad about uncrustables? They’re just good to have every now and then. It’s not that deep.
All the “my kids can eat the crust or starve” folks are either not parents, or don’t send home lunch to school.
Ma’am, I have a a full time job, a full time house, two full time kids with 3 extra curricular activities a piece, 2 cats, a dog, and a husband. The last thing I’m trying to do at 8:53pm after making sure my kids brushed their teeth, got them 73 drinks of water, gave them 12 extra hugs, changed the songs 6 times and double checked that they have clothes ready for tomorrow is make a PB&J.
The Uncrustables aren’t for the kids.