The James Webb telescope might have some cool images, but here is a penis cloud.
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The James Webb telescope might have some cool images, but here is a penis cloud.
View Reddit by KruztyTheClown – View Source
Nice cloud bro
Much needed lol here. Thx OP!
This made me think of Austin powers.
“It’s a giant…”
The holy shaft of righteousness. 😆
Could you imagine if it were raining beneath it, tho. 🤣🤣🤣
Impotent science.
I bet that cloud is a real dick.
Looks like he mightve been shafted
The size of that cloud is definitely going to cause showers
BWC – Big White Cloud
Someone cross-post this to /r/skyporn
Usually a pen is just a pen, not a cloud.
And here I thought Mother Nature was a woman…
or has my personal reality been falsely manipulated to fit Quaker-era ideals of a by gone age???
Quite a mushroom cloud there.
Oh, goodness! It looks like an enormous…..
I think you have a whole torso cloud lying back in expectation.
Hey, I have that book!
Dick move weather. Smh.
That’s an upvote
Looks like the cloud was up voted
God is happy to see us.
This cloud is giving itself an Upvote.
Looks like it was a hard picture.
How many light years old is this nebula?
I see bezos missile
That’s an upvote cloud my guy
Always popping up when you least expect it.
What do you mean? That *is* the JWST’s peen.
Upvote cloud
Jiant Wiener Super Telescope
Wouldn’t want to be under that thing when it started raining…
I showed this pic to my wife for a laugh. My 7y/o looked too and commented “what a cool rocket ship!”. Yes darling, it’s a rocket ship, LOL!
Cumulonimbus Erectus
Nimbulo Fallace
Puts the “cum” in “Cumulonimbus.”
Nimbus erectus
Church: Gods watching you masturbate, so dont!
Me: yeah, ok… 🙄
*Glances up at sky*😳😱