The Hydraulic Press Channel does a demonstration of injection injuries with some ballistic gel.
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The Hydraulic Press Channel does a demonstration of injection injuries with some ballistic gel.
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I haven’t seen this channel since high school
This is a wonderful visualization and should be a mandatory safety video in large organizations dealing with hydraulic machinery. That hose rupture… jesus.
Didn’t expect to see that watermelon getting [redacted]
Once you get that paint all cleaned up you’ve got a decent quality fleshlight 8/10.
They’re a little too focused on penetration, this would tear up your flesh even if it somehow didn’t pierce the skin.
Speaking as an expert, that damage profile is almost identical to some higher powered pistol calibers, and even some intermediate rifle calibers.
But of course, with paint or hydraulic fluid.
I’ve seen the actual injuries on google images and they are brutal. I never understood it until this.
You are being hit with SUCH IMMENSE FORCE by something that isn’t even hard– That it becomes as damaging as a bullet.
On a similar note, don’t point a pressurized air hose at anyone either. Even though “it’s just air”, it can cause significant injury or death.
Sigh. Everything reminds me of her….
That first test reminds me of some hentai…
I should call her
FYI Hydraulic Fluid injection injuries requires tonnes of surgery or amputation. His video basically shows you why.
I work as a high-pressure injection operator and this video should be mandatory watching for the whole team (and maintenance and engineering).
Last week I anaesthetised a guy who had four of his fingers amputated from his dominant hand after a paint injection injury.
I had to refer a patient to a tertiary centre for enucleation after a high pressure hydraulic injury to his eye.
I’ve seen necrotising fasciitis ultimately resulting in death after an air hose ‘prank’.
Don’t fuck around with high pressure stuff!
Ballistic gel isn’t an analogue for the human body.
It’s a test medium for examining wound channels for bullets, and it has a strict set of rules for what temp it has to be at, and what is acceptable penetration. For example 14 inches of penetration in gel is ideal, but, that doesn’t translate to 14 inches in the human body.
Clear gel also isn’t as dense as regular gel and it’s in no way used for actual ballistic testing and any video you see use clear gel for anything, it should be considered it’s closer to using Jello than anything akin to flesh.
Exactly how nervous should I be working near 1000 kpa hoses at my work? (Air hoses)
That’s certainly not optimal
Dude, you gotta warm the gel block up first with some finges or a dildo.
Aye, very dangerous… we should appreciate those oil rig workers even more than I did before (some of you may have seen those oil rig accidents… yikes).
I worked with a painter who had a disfugured thumb. I asked what happened. He said he was painting with a high pressure paint sprayer and the spray nozzle became clogged. He tried to clean it and accidentally pressed the trigger as he did so. His thumb filled with paint in a microsecond. He said they saved his thumb, but might as well have cut it off as it was useless afterwards. He never regained any feeling or strength in the thumb and now it just got in the way. This was decades ago, so maybe sprayers have improved safety controls by now.
And that’s why it is called having “blue balls”.
Some guys I know who work road crew, told me about a lad who worked with them years previous who was fixing a hose on a mini digger. The line failed and he was hit with a pin prick size jet. He had to have his arm opened from the wrist to the shoulder and cleaned. He had 13 or 14 surgeries over a few years and suffered huge damage. He kept the arm, but very little function…scary stuff!
I shook the hand of a parts manager for John Deere in Baltimore area; he was missing a finger from a flange line that was welded together failing while he was looking for a leak. Immediate gangrene took effect and he lost the finger in question. Don’t weld hydraulic lines, it’s dangerous.
Everything reminds me of her…
I worked for a trucking company & we had hydraulic lift gates on the backs. There was always a sticker that warned to stay away from the hydraulic lines. My naive ass always thought that the hydraulic fluid was bad to get *on* your skin, not *through* your skin.
I could only understand about every other word, but “oh shit!” came in loud and clear.
That gel is not 100% as human flesh.
Notice how the gel squeezes the fluid back out after the injection, due to the pressure inside the gel block.
I don’t think that would happen if human flesh?
After reading all these comments I never want to be on the same planet as any of these machines!

Mmmmm forbidden creampie
I love that he’s having Hannah take part in these more often. Her reactions are hilarious, where he’s making some deadpan comment and she’s just losing her shit.
so it would basically just explode your hand
i came here for the “me and your mom” jokes in the comments
You know there are easier ways to paint your shop!
I love this channel.
Wonder how that would look with a thermal camera.
One hell of a creampie
My Granda has been missing the top half of his left thumb for around 40 years. Story I’m told was that he was holding onto a hose that ruptured and injected oil into his thumb and this it needed to be amputated.
Always made me wary of hosepipes when I was younger as I was terrified it would happen to me.
Yeah. I remember the first time I handled a pressure washer in the 90’s. “Warning; Injection Hazard” right on the side. Oh, hell no.
I was going absolutely mad listening to this dude ramble and couldn’t understand a word he was saying. Like just get to the demonstration!!!