Or just go take a shit, wipe your ass, flush, wash hands, and proceed. Normal human bodily functions. Someone gives you problems for shitting, get shwifty and shit on the floor instead.
I clogged a toilet at my dates house when we barely knew each other. There was no plunger and I was texting my friend to beg for help. We’re engaged now
If he don’t have a plunger he don’t deserve you
This is crap.
Just flush the toilet when your turd is about to hit water.
She prolly go mental with diarrhea.
When you get married you don’t care anymore lol
Or just go take a shit, wipe your ass, flush, wash hands, and proceed. Normal human bodily functions. Someone gives you problems for shitting, get shwifty and shit on the floor instead.
American toilets seemingly cannot take a lot of stuff.
I think this was inspired by a real story that happened in the UK.
I clogged a toilet at my dates house when we barely knew each other. There was no plunger and I was texting my friend to beg for help. We’re engaged now
The dumb and dumber gif bathroom scene