The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy – Pud’n vs the Evil Rabbit
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The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy – Pud’n vs the Evil Rabbit
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I remember seeing this when it first aired, and it’s still stuck with me more than anything else in the entire show. I’m friends with Atoms (among a ton of other animators, writers, cartoonists, etc) on FB, and the first time I talked to him I told him that. He’s the nicest guy, btw.
This is still incredible and shockingly memorable after so long
Man fuck Pud’n. He deserved that rabbit
I can’t believe this aired, I swear the whole cartoon was created by someone who hates kids. Probably my favourite cartoon right next to Courage the Cowardly Dog, but I never could fully appreciate this scene as a kid because it didn’t have Mandy in it and so I got bored, lol. Seeing it now, it looks so violent, and that pillow/custard moment is pretty naughty as well.
Do not cry for the Rabbit.
[DO NOT CRY!!!!](https://youtu.be/lxDInu6wOYg)
I absolutely love Billy and Mandy, and it still holds up.
My favorite character is Fred Fredburger
Just taught my daughter to randomly say “Please pass the egg salad.” so I can raggle fraggle and snatch her up before running into another room.
It leaves out the part at the end where it turns out the rabbit is still alive.
Edit: [Found a better one.](https://youtu.be/0w4UMVkEzsE)
I see you, Optimus Prime.
I remember watching billy and mandy, but i don’t remember any of the episodes, just that i liked them very much.
I did watch them in dutch, so watching them in english is a bit weird.
Hey gnomey dontcha know me?