The first Pizza Hut. Opened on May 31, 1958, in Wichita, Kansas.
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The first Pizza Hut. Opened on May 31, 1958, in Wichita, Kansas.
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So it kinda was a hut
I didn’t realize it was an actual hut.
I’m going to Wichita
Gonna open up a pizza store
Pepsi with a straw
Then have delivery door to door
Where’s the drive thru?
Buildings that clearly used to be a Pizza Hut.
Things to do in Sedgwick County Kansas: 1. Meth 2. Visit the original Pizza section 8 house 3. Leave
Bet that pizza was amazing at the time
Do they still sell pizza there?
“What’s in yer wallet!?”
This is the third location for the building. It was originally in a different part of town but then moved to WSU campus in the 80s. In 2017 it was moved to its current location and turned into a museum.
The Carney brothers were WSU students when they first started the business which is why the association with the university.
Edit: regional abbreviation, sorry. WSU is Wichita State University in this case.
That’s a $600k house these days
The building IS the brick oven.
More like a “pizza single family home”
Literally sits in the middle of the Wichita State campus
Thats some humble ass beginnings
No wonder Pizza Hut is awful.
Aye! Hello from Wichita!
Among other things, we are the aircraft capital of the world, and also the founding place of Cessna (aviation), Beechcraft (aviation), Freddy’s frozen custard and steak Burger, White Castle, and other things.
[Here](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/archive/9/9e/20070305053141%21FirstPizzaHut.jpg) is a higher quality version of this image. Credit to the photographer, Sanjay Acharya, who took this on December 25, 2004. [Here](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:FirstPizzaHut.jpg) is the source of this image. According to there:
> First Pizza Hut building at Wichita State University Campus, Kansas. It was opened at the corner of Kellogg and Bluff on June 15, 1958 by brothers Frank and Dan Carney, who were attending the University at the time. The building was moved to the WSU campus to serve as a symbol and reminder to WSU students that young individuals, through hard work and initiative, can rise from modest beginnings to positions of leadership and success.
[Here](https://www.google.com/maps/@37.7210483,-97.2866428,3a,90y,180.84h,94.76t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipNERbM3pLSpSePYOAdwUX-ZiUTngtyxuOcIiNXV!2e10!3e11!6shttps:%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipNERbM3pLSpSePYOAdwUX-ZiUTngtyxuOcIiNXV%3Dw203-h100-k-no-pi-0-ya125.306175-ro-0-fo100!7i7680!8i3840?entry=ttu) this is on Goolge Street View.
According to [here](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dan_and_Frank_Carney):
> Brothers Dan (born 1931) and Frank Carney (April 26, 1938 – December 2, 2020) were American businessmen who founded Pizza Hut.
> Dan and Frank Carney were born into a blended family of twelve children, and raised in Wichita, Kansas, where Dan still lives today. Although Frank Carney dropped out of Wichita State University, where he studied engineering, he later returned to the university to receive a degree in general studies and mathematics.
> In 1958, the brothers borrowed $600 from their mother and opened a pizza restaurant catering to students after a local real estate agent with an unrented building convinced them that pizza would be a promising business. Although they knew little about pizza-making or business, they learned quickly and the business started to grow. Their first franchise opened in Topeka, Kansas in 1959. The Pizza Hut in Aggieville, Kansas was the first to have delivery, an innovation. By 1977, Pizza Hut had grown to 4,000 outlets and the brothers decided to sell the business to PepsiCo for over $300 million USD. Frank remained the president and a board member of Pizza Hut until 1980
$789,000 on Zillow
There was a time when their pizza was great. Then corporate took over and it went to shit. Go figure.
This explains a lot.
Looks like a murder hut disguised as a pizza hut for easy bait.
Hi I’m here for my pizz-Arhhhhhggg
It looks a bit like a concentration camp. Come for the pizza, stay for the zyklon B
People train don’t run out of Wichita…
They moved the whole building to the school campus there. You can go visit and walk around inside for free.
Pizza the Hutt!
I can only imagine how terrible the pizza was given how bad it is now and the likelihood that it got better over time.
Realtor: “I’m selling a house.”
Buyer: “Great. How many bedrooms and bathrooms does it have?”
“Realtor: “One.”
Buyer: “One bed, one bath?”
Realtor: “No. Just one.”