The first color transition scene in Peter Jackson’s documentary film “They Shall Not Grow Old”. No joke, my jaw dropped when I saw this happen in theaters. Jackson and everyone involved really outdid themselves
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So they just colored everything or.. what? It’s kinda trippy to me and I don’t really get what they did (but I love it!)
It was absolutely amazing. It was stunning to watch and moving to listen to. As someone with a very short attention spans and who doesn’t really like documentaries, this is so worth a watch
The looks on their faces break my heart. These are just kids.
We went and saw it in 3D as well and the color transition was insane cuz it popped into 3D right then as well, the whole theater erupted into ooohs and ahhhs lol it was so cool.
Is this available on any streaming services yet?
The part where the guy talked about haveing to shoot his downed comrade really made me tear up.
It was a really sad thing to hear and sounded like he still hadn’t quite forgiven himself for it.
I was blown away seeing this in the theater, and the how-they-did-this doc at the end was great too.
Fantastic documentary. The parts that sticks with me the most was the Artillery barrages. The BTS that was exclusive to theaters too was awesome.
Peter Jackson:
“I wanted to somehow recreate the sounds of the artillery”
“So naturally I pulled out some WW1 field guns I had in storage”
I love this kid in the first shot. The way he is transfixed by the presence of the camera, looking straight into it. It’s as if he were looking through it, into the theater, seeing the audience across the span of 100 years.
He may have been cut down within the week and lain as nothing but bones for a century, totally forgotten with nobody who ever knew him left to even remember who he was… but for a moment he suddenly springs back to life, to the gasps of the audience.
Best documentary I’ve ever seen. Just the vets telling their stories over absolutely stunning restored footage. Not to mention it’s World War 1 which unfortunately gets looked over quite a bit. With this and the upcoming film 1917 I hope WW1 starts entering popular culture a bit more after that.
I saw it in theaters also, great documentary. And for the ones that also saw it in theaters, have you been able to find the 30 mins or so of the making of this that came after the credits? I’ve been trying to locate it everywhere and have no luck. It was awesome to see some of Peter Jackson’s collection and see how they put everything together.
Saw it in 3D IMAX and loved it. It starts off a bit light and humorous, then gets dark. Then you get to the end and realize we haven’t learned anything and are still sending off kids to die.
Everyone thinks old films were fast. They WEREN’T when they were in theaters originally. Silent projectors used fewer frames per second, so when projected the motion looked perfectly natural.
The only reason modern peple think old movies were fast and jerky is because they were projected for TV etc. on sound projectors, which used more frames per second, so they ran faster. It’s kind of like having a bunch of 33-1/3 LPs which to you are “old,” and all you have is a 45 rpm player, using that, and then wondering why “all old music is was so fast and chirpy.”
I REALLY hate it when modern movies make fake silent movies scenes, and make them all fast to try to evoke old times.
Here’s everything that is happening at this point:
– this happens after a solid 15ish (probably closer to 30) minutes into the film
– black and white to color
– jittery fast film to smooth life-like motion
– small screen to full theater screen
– 2D to 3D (if watching in 3D)
– purely narration to full sound effects
– lighthearted preparation for war to the reality of it
People would cry sacrilege but I’d love to see the same technology implemented on films of Buster Keaton, Charlie Chaplin, DW Griffiths.
It’s absolutely criminal that Free Solo won the Oscar over this. Don’t get me wrong, Free Solo had my jaw on the floor, but that was all Alex Honnold – the documentary itself was pretty rubbish.
The absolute care and love Jackson and his team put into each and every frame of this film was just breathtaking.