The Fall of the House of Usher | Official Trailer | Netflix | October 12
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The Fall of the House of Usher | Official Trailer | Netflix | October 12
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This looks soo good man. Bittersweet knowing this is the last of Flanagan’s Netflix shows.
>She’s coming for them all.
>In this wicked series from Mike Flanagan (The Haunting of Hill House) and based on the works of Edgar Allan Poe, ruthless siblings Roderick and Madeline Usher have built Fortunato Pharmaceuticals into an empire of wealth, privilege and power. But past secrets come to light when the heirs to the Usher dynasty start dying at the hands of a mysterious woman from their youth.
Psyched for Mark Hamill to channel his inner Rudy Giuliani as a crime family mob lawyer/fixer
Rahul looks bad ass!
This looks like it’ll be another hit for Flanagan.
It’s just a trailer but am I the only one who feels this is tonally different than Flanagan’s other stuff?
Hmmmmmm, the original as the framework, and i see some other pieces as well. Interesting, will see how this goes.
Here for Hollywood Bad Boi Rahul
Thought this was a documentary about the singer Usher and his behind the music problems.
I’m an idiot.
Damn this looks much more visually violent and ambitious than everything Flanagan has done with Netflix!
The Midnight Club was a little disappointment but this has potential to be as good or better than The Midnight Mass.
I cannot wait.
Mark Hamill in a Mike Flanagan show? My body is ready.
They should make Poe bingo cards for all the references.
I can’t wait!
Looks like the Masque of the Red Death is in this. Probably means the whole thing is gonna be full of Poe Easter eggs, which I’m here for. I see a jester too! That could be Hop-Frog!
Haunting of Hill House is one of the best series on Netflix, looking forward to this. It looks excellent.
Looks cool though I have to admit I was hoping for a direct adaptation in its original setting.
I am so hyped for Mary McDonnell in this! I didn’t know that her and Mark Hamill had been casted.
I see Rahul, I know it’s gonna be good.
That was an orangutan on the table wasn’t it…
This is giving me American Horror Story vibes.
Flanagan has been saying for a long time now that this will be very different to his other shows. It looks exactly like what he’s been hinting at – camp, giallo, outrageous deaths with plenty of funny bits.
I’m totally here for it.
Hollywood badboy is back baby
I love how he casts actors from all his previous shows. great seeing them on screen again. some together for the first time. Can’t wait
You sonofabich I’m in
Hope this is as good as Midnight Mass. That show was phenomenal
I’m curious how this ties in with the source material cause this doesn’t resemble anything I think about regarding Poe’s story. Looks interesting though. I will give it a chance.
Nice to see President Laura Roslin again.
Damn, I was hoping for something less contemporary; kind of the opposite of what I’d want from a Poe adaptation.
It almost seems like an American horror story season with all the sex, violence, eccentric characters etc. Im glad to see Flanagan do something a little more over the top.
Flannagan adapting Edgar Allan Poe is a match made in hell.
So fucking excited.
It’s the Fall of the House of Ursher, baby…
I’m in.
I will be watching this.
As a huge fan of the Vincent Price movies-I look forward to this reiteration.
In Mike I Trust
I watched the trailer but I didn’t need to. It’s Mike Flanagan. Watching this is just a given.
Midnight Club was definitely the weakest Flanagan in a long time, but he has cemented himself as a Day 1 tune-in. Dude fucking cooks, this looks fantastic.
I’m not much for horror, but I can’t say no to Carla Gugino, Bruce Greenwood, and Mark Hamill. I’m in.
Holy crap. Not just Fall of the House of Usher, but multiple Poe stories! I am so stoked for this – looks like another win for Mike Flanagan!
This is going to be incredible
Insert ‘my boo’ joke here
This looks like there’s a lot more humour than his other shows which is exciting that he’s not just trying to get a carbon copy of his successful shows. Every show he does is so different and he really is my favourite horror director in a while. Even Midnight Club which wasn’t great had some perfect horror moments.
Really fun to see actors used again other productions