Saturday, February 1All That Matters

The Eternal Question [OC]


  • A Link to the Past is a mediocre game with a killer opening and great graphics for its time, and you often talk online about how great it is even though you never even played past the first few dungeons, if at that.

  • If we take something like Stardew Valley, an indie darling, and a massively successful game to this day… is it not a game that at least looks like it could have run on a PS1 or PS2? Is the gameplay that much different from a Harvest Moon, which started life on the Super Nintendo?

    A lot of games follow cues from the past, so I’d say that’s a hint that there was something legitimately good to be inspired by.

    Also, legitimately dracula.

  • The syntax of the question is incorrect. Nostalgia is in the present moment, it can’t be in the past.

    >**Was I legitimately good or** ~~was~~ **is it just nostalgia?**

    Saying “**was** it just nostalgia” implies the player experienced nostalgia in the past, at the same time as playing the console, which makes no sense since nostalgia is the feeling that exists in the present moment towards the past.

    And another thing… The whole premise makes no sense, nostalgia is simply a sentimental, positive feeling towards the memory, towards an event in the past. In simple words it’s a happy memory. So basically when one was a child, was carefree and had fun playing video games. In which case it doesn’t matter if the console is good, it’s completely irrelevant since a person was happy to begin with (and you have to be happy at that moment to have nostalgia about it in the future, so you form a happy memory to reference in the future).

    Yeah…I know I am going to get swarm of angry redditors at me, but honestly I can’t ignore the fact that this makes no sense.

  • That depends

    Do you think all old movies suck because they all have low resolution, outdated story pacing, poor sound engineering, low budget and set design?

    Or do you judge something based on the time it came out?

  • 95.9% percent of the time it’s nostalgia. Like Ocarina of Time is a fan favorite, but it’s objectively worse than Tears of the Kingdom. And when you take off your rose-tinted glasses you realize OoC is like 1/20th the game TotK is. It’s an old and linear game that has limitations, and Egoraptor was right in his critical view of it.

  • Old consoles were goated. Games couldn’t rely on graphics so the gameplay had to be outstanding. Most of it is outdated by today’s standards, but in that time there wasn’t anything better. It’s like trying to compare cars today to cars of the 50’s/60’s.

  • I STILL play games like Star Ocean 2, Tales of Destiny, Tales of Eternia, Vagrant Story, Legend of Legaia, Wild Arms, Final Fantasy Tactics.

    So yes it was that good. Better than most that is put out today.

  • Context. Was Super Mario Bros amazing? Compared to what was out back then, yeah. Compared to what’s out now, no.

    So yeah if you sit decades later trying to evaluate something, sure it will seem lacking by modern standards, even though it was great at the time.

    That’s not nostalgia, it’s just progress.

  • It’s both. It always has been. A game can be incredible and revolutionary at one point in time and only good for nostalgia in another.

    This is why I think it’s so stupid when people say some classic video game “doesn’t hold up.”

    Who cares? It was amazing when it came out. Legitimately amazing, as amazing as top of the line games today are, and the fact that better games came out later doesn’t change that one bit. Nobody will ever make a 100% future proof game but that’s OK and it’s completely beside the point.

  • I grew up in india where my family could afford only bootleg famicom clones and bootleg games. After I got emulation, I was introduced to a lot of SNES games for the first time in my late 20s and I have to say they still hold up.

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