Saturday, October 26All That Matters

The Dark, Sad Life of Boogie2988

The Dark, Sad Life of Boogie2988

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  • ChillyCheese

    Boogie played a barbarian in EverQuest circa 1999-2004 (maybe longer, but that’s when I was active) on Prexus server. I was good friends with him, being in the same guild and also group buddies — which came easily as I was one of the top clerics on the server and he was one of the top barbs.

    He was always a genuinely nice person to play with. Enough so that 10 years after EQ fell out of fashion, he was one of the few people I looked up to see if I could find again. I ended up stumbling upon a forum thread congratulating him on 1 million Youtube views and thus found out he’d become a minor celebrity. Too bad about all that’s happened to him, but I wish him the best.

  • skitty_bebop

    It’s a very high production value video for a documentary about a random YouTuber. Fascinating stuff, but makes me grateful for my current life.

  • TheSwedeIrishman

    I jumped around through the video and a recurring theme is financial struggles – that he’s barely able to scrape by, hovering on the line every month, then towards the end he goes through his monthly expenses and 5 out of the first 6 items are:

    Health insurance: $800

    Medical bills: $500

    Doc visits: $750

    Physical Therapy: $950

    Labs: $325

    $3,325 per month (o/w maybe $2500 is recurring?) that I’d never see come in as a European.

    Fucking wild shit.

  • pneruda

    I have this memory of a video that I saw – probably 10-15 years ago. I am 99% sure it was Boogie, but I can’t find the original video anywhere.

    It was someone around his size, talking about their weight and how they got to be that big and how they developed that relationship with food.

    Their dad was a piece of shit who basically didn’t care / was completely checked out. I think they either died or left, leaving Boogie with his mum and maybe some siblings (who also left). So it was just Boogie and his mum. His mum was working super long hours, and would come home and just beat the shit out of him as a way of taking out her frustration or whatever. But then she would feel bad, and so she would do things like buying him pizza, food, etc. And so as a young kid he had this awful relationship with his mother where she would repeatedly abuse him, but she was also the only source of love and safety in his life – he was completely dependent on her – and that love and safety was tied to food. So anytime in his life he suffered adversity, his natural reaction was to seek out food.

    I think I also remember him saying that he’d had a couple of suicide attempts in his life – and one of them was on the day his mother died.

    It was a really chilling video and definitely opened my eyes. You see people like Boogie who are that overweight and it’s really easy to think “well they just need to eat less”, but when you look back and see the decades of abuse that underlies it – it becomes easier to see how that sort of thing can happen.

    I’ve searched far and wide for the video. It might be that I was just misremembering and it was someone else. Or maybe he deleted it. Or maybe none of it happened.


    Okay after like 8 seconds of googling I found it –

    Maybe it got taken down, or maybe I was just shit at searching for videos a few years ago. Or maybe this was just a retelling of a different video I saw (again, I felt like it was over 10 years ago). Either way – not sure how much of it is true and how much fits into his own abusive / manipulative nature. But interesting stuff.

  • iamexercised

    the way he is soo articulate in his speech when describing himself and how others perceive him tells me there is alot more to this person than just a flawed character. He is very self-aware and is deliberately and consciously making these self destructive decisions. He knows exactly how to say things to manipulate his environment and fans which demonstrates what a dangerously narcissistic person he truly is. Although a fascinating and well made documentary, the entire storyline and image that Boogie represented was not the brainchild of the director but more a carefully curated and orchestrated character play by boogie himself. The director was just another pawn in Boogies world.

  • Oldmanneck

    I expected another SunnyD/Joon the King level “documentary”, but damn is the production level leagues above those videos. This is an actual proper documentary.

  • TheLimeyLemmon

    I remember when he weighed up buying a Tesla, and took next to no encouragement from fans to go out and do it, got immediate buyers remorse and blamed everyone online for convincing him to do it.

    That’s Boogie.

  • -Disagreeable-

    That old Francis stuff is still funny content. Too bad the real person is a fucking weirdo, delusional scumbag.
    I hope that girls gets out.

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