Wednesday, October 9All That Matters

The Completion’s Open Hand Charity Scam Has To Be Investigated…

The Completion’s Open Hand Charity Scam Has To Be Investigated…

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  • Bestialman

    He is using a 2023 event pricing to calculate the revenue of a 2019 event.

    I know, the Open hand is very most likely in big doodoo for fraud. A lot of key elements presented here cannot be questioned.

    But you cannot assume the pricing for the event haven’t changed in 4 years. This is pure speculation.

  • ScreamSmart

    Completionist took money through Open Hands foundation and forgot to donate to dementia research thereby not completing his deal.

  • NuKayos

    Yeah this guy is so problematic. Jirard is in some hot water for sure but this guy is supposed to be an ivestigative journalist but he can’t put “syzygy” into google? And kept saying ska zee zee?

    /ˈsɪzɪdʒi/ noun
    a conjunction or opposition, especially of the moon with the sun.
    “the planets were aligned in syzygy”

    2. a pair of connected or corresponding things.

  • dannyfallen

    Genuinely a useless video. All this is a ton of speculation with next to zero evidence.

    This feels like a witch hunt for views, under the guise of “journalism”

    Like anyone with half a fucking brain would instantly understand that the reason Jirard hasn’t made a statement is because his lawyer told him to shut the fuck up not make even public statement or comment. Either A. while they do an internal investigation. or B while they craft a statement or potentially a legal defense.

    Like, Jirard absolutely fucked up here will have shit to answer for.. But Karl and Muta are making a mockery of journalism for views.

  • Grizzledboy

    TLDW; the open hand charity has also been getting donations through a golf tournament, that Jirard’s family is involved in, but the donations don’t show up in their books. He checks year by year and find discrepancies between what they should be getting and what they report.

  • magicbaconmachine

    Dude talked for an hour saying something that can be stated in one sentence, like “The money from the charity looks like it’s missing the golf tournaments money (maybe)”. What a load of horseshit. Yes, the chairity is very likely involved in something weird, maybe illegal. This video adds nothing new. This nonsense reporting is really a problem in social media where people squeeze anythibg they can and stretch it out as long as possible. There is really an amazing amount of NOTHING said in this video.

  • urumqi_circles

    Jirard’s abscondence with money here is the worst I’ve seen since the Pentagon lost $1.3 trillion on September 10th, 2001.

  • aclashofthings

    “Every time around this time of year I always work with a beloved YouTuber.” Yeah you collaborate with big channels because this time of year has the best ad revenue.

    There are five videos about this topic now and nothing has changed since the first one. This video was not worth watching.

  • DanteT6

    Man, the more I hear about all this the more depressed I get. I really liked a lot of Jirard’s videos over the years. This stings real bad.

  • PazJohnMitch

    Cannot help but think one of the other family members has severely mismanaged the charity to the point of criminality. Most likely the Charity’s President, Jirard’s father.

  • Daanor

    My girlfriend is following this to the T. The wisest in this whole ordeal is that he is shutting the F up. But that’s also the worst thing to do

  • FromHer0toZer0

    It’s easy to say this in the aftermath of everything, but whenever I have a gut feeling about someone being scummy or whatever it usually turns out to be true. I used to watch Jirard a lot, but stopped once that feeling got too overwhelming. Nothing has been confirmed 100% yet, but it’s both kinda vindicating and sad that things have turned out like this

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