The Complete LEGO Wii U Master Collection – worldwide & all variations in existence. Worth applying for the world record?
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The Complete LEGO Wii U Master Collection – worldwide & all variations in existence. Worth applying for the world record?
View Reddit by craig_nintendo – View Source
Very specific world record
As I understand it, Guinness (assuming that’s where you’re planning on obtaining your record) doesn’t do any fact checking to ensure you have the most complete collection. You’d just pay a $1000 fee for a certificate.
What’s the world record? Largest wiiu lego game collection? I always think of world records as something beatable. I complete set is not beatable.
Frustrating that Lego City Undercover is probably the best Lego game out there, originally a WiiU exclusive, and now multiplayer on everything other than the WiiU lol
That’s such a stupid thing, I love it!
I must know why this particular collection haha
I made a video showing them up close:
Why though?
Lmfao…”worth it”? Worth what?
Did your dad leave you for Legos and a Wiiu? What is this obsession?
ScottTheWoz wants to know your location(and weaknesses)
Is there an ESRB or master list you have? I’m fairly well versed in ESRB WiiU collecting and I’m seeing a couple variants that I’ve never seen before that I would be interested to learn more about.
No, because Guiness is shit and their records are meaningless. Awesome collection tho
I have a full wii u set but gave up on these. Very cool collection
That is the most insanely detailed and complete collection I have ever seen.
World records are basically nonsense. I mean hell, if Tommy Tallarico can have multiple then you know it’s based on who’s willing to pony up cash VS facts.
Scott the Woz alt account
This is weird lol