The Chicago Bulls are in need of a player
The Chicago Bulls are in need of a player
by u/GoodLaughh in funny
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The Chicago Bulls are in need of a player
The Chicago Bulls are in need of a player
by u/GoodLaughh in funny
View Reddit by GoodLaughh – View Source
The Opposition team must have felt real confident that this player was playing for the other side.
How much is his salary?
If this is what the nba is looking for, I’m about to change careers.
Right handed player practicing with non-dominant hand
He looks like bill cartwright when he does his freethrows…but cartwright hits his shot
He’s building a whole house right there
He doesn’t need to jump. This is a drill to practice shooting in a situation where he can’t step forward as easily and has to shoot up and over an opponent. The coach is making him shoot in a way that is uncomfortable, counterintuitive, and costs him accuracy so that if the occasion arises in which he has to jump and shoot without forward movement, he can do it.
Reminds me of those Kobe hero ball nights where he’d get 30 points but it would be on 12/67 shooting or something.
There must be some invisible force there to keep missing. 👀
I’m pleased that there’s only a small amount of posts here criticizing him.
Maybe there’s some hope for reddit after all.
Is this Tristan Thompson
Many years ago, Utah played Portland and Marc Eaton was the center for the Jazz. The Portland Oregonian reported he had a quadruple double.
10 Points, 10 rebounds, 10 blocks and 10 bricks.
His consistency is remarkable, to the point where you have to wonder if he’s fucking it up on purpose. Same part of the rim every time.
No no guys, he’s practicing MISSING it so that when he does it in the next SCRIPTED game it looks authentic. It’s all a hoax!!! Run by the Illuminati to send codes to the lizard people while altering the physical evolution of humanity. Wake up sheeple!!! It’s so obvious!!
For anyone asking, this is Tristan Thompson from season ’21-’22 with Chigago Bulls. He has been an free agent until last Friday, when he signed a deal with Los Angeles Lakers that consists the rest of the season.
And yes, this is the dude who was married on/off with some Kardashian. Don’t know who.
I swear hitting this short range jumper is the hardest shot. An awkward shooting distance
Gotta say. He is consistent.
I. . . I don’t think OP knows what “bricking” a shot is.
He’s a brick house. He’s mighty-mighty, just lettin’ it all hang out
I was watching warmups before a warriors game from the stands and Klay Thompson hit 11 corner threes in a row and nobody batted an eye. Unguarded of course but I was still amazed.
Cuz he’s a brick…house!
He’s mighty mighty, jus’ lettin’ it all hang out
Someone read that a master will have failed more times than a novice has tried and they are optimizing training time by targeting failure count.
The good news are that if he keeps this up , the would have enough bricks for an new stadium!
Who overinflated that ball? That’s just cruel folks.
We went from Jordan, Pippen, and Rodman to this…
this looks like a drill.
This isn’t a shooting drill, it’s a rebounding drill. If you’ve ever run a drill like this, you know how hard it is – as soon as you’re trying to “miss by a bit”, you suddenly can’t miss at all.
Wild that they’ve brought in such a talented guy, but then rebounder is putting in such low effort.
Is he building a wall or somethin?
Someone tell this man to use the backboard lol he needs a friend
He’s practicing shooting over top a jumping defender
Sometimes getting things right, is to know how to do something wrong.
Anyone else think his top looks like it’s a cartoon overlay?
I can’t watch this, it’ll mess with my shot
That’s why they got pat bev 😂
ITT: People who haven’t practiced anything new in decades.
The amount of people missing the fact that he’s the only one without a reflection on the floor kind of astounds me. He’s been cut out and moved up so this isn’t as short of range as this video makes it look. Hell, he might not actually be missing those baskets since the ball goes out of frame every time.
Big WNBA vibes
I need whatever that man was smoking