Clockwise, from front-left: Director John Ford, Vera Miles, Jimmy Stewart, Ken Murray, Woody Strode, Lee Marvin, Jeanette Nolan, Edmund O’Brien, Lee Van Cleef, Strother Martin, George Clinton “Shug” Fisher, John Wayne, and John Ford’s wife, Mary McBride Smith (The original caption lists this woman as Ford’s script supervisor Meta Stern, though her name does not appear in the movie’s IMDb page).
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Lee Marvin could have beaten the living shit out of John Wayne. Just look at him…
One of my favorite movies ever. My 7th grade English teacher showed us this and I have never forgotten it!
**CORRECTION**: The gentleman seated between Jimmy Stewart and Woody Strode is Andy Devine, not Ken Murray.
“Enjoying” seems to be a bit of a stretch.
Highly recommend this movie.
Having started his filmmaking career in 1917, Ford made only five films after this one. This film is considered one of his latter film classics. The film featured some of his favorite actors, John Wayne and James Stewart. The title role of Liberty Valance was played by Lee Marvin, who worked three films in a row with Ford.