Check out “The Dude and the Zen Master” by Jeff Bridges and Bernie Glassman. Great, easy book about both Bridges’ Lebowski character as a spiritual man, and the Bridges family when Jeff and Beau were growing up.
Pretty wild what a prolific career Lloyd Bridges had for decades and yet the only thing anyone can think when they see him is glue sniffing.
I wonder how much of that is just that it was a later work (and relatively more recent) and how much is that memes are the new format that people are defined and remembered by.
Edit: two recommendations for Sea Hunt – I love oceanic capers and old shows so if anyone else is interested looks like it’s on Roku and PlutoTV for free. I’ll be checking it out!
The first episode (TV Movie) of the 1995 Outer Limits (The Sandkings, based on a novella by GoT procrastinator George RR Martin) stars Lloyd and Beau as father and “under-achieving” son.
I recall watching Lloyd in *Sea Hunt*, which ran from ’58 through ’61, as a little kid. Scuba diving was still something new to most people, and the show was quite adventurous and thrilling to us. I seem to recall a number of air hoses being cut in underwater fights…
Looks like a repost. I’ve seen this image 1 time.
First Seen [Here]( on 2023-03-29 100.0% match.
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**Scope:** Reddit | **Meme Filter:** False | **Target:** 92% | **Check Title:** False | **Max Age:** None | **Searched Images:** 360,397,436 | **Search Time:** 0.03572s
“Looks like I picked the wrong week to stop sniffing glue.”
Check out “The Dude and the Zen Master” by Jeff Bridges and Bernie Glassman. Great, easy book about both Bridges’ Lebowski character as a spiritual man, and the Bridges family when Jeff and Beau were growing up.
A young Izzy Mandelbaum.

that guy on the right looks like the president.
Missing from this picture is tempermental younger sister Burn.
“Looks like I picked the wrong week to wear white shirts.”
Pretty wild what a prolific career Lloyd Bridges had for decades and yet the only thing anyone can think when they see him is glue sniffing.
I wonder how much of that is just that it was a later work (and relatively more recent) and how much is that memes are the new format that people are defined and remembered by.
Edit: two recommendations for Sea Hunt – I love oceanic capers and old shows so if anyone else is interested looks like it’s on Roku and PlutoTV for free. I’ll be checking it out!
First time I’ve seen mom. Cool family ( seemingly)
Fucking royalty!
The first episode (TV Movie) of the 1995 Outer Limits (The Sandkings, based on a novella by GoT procrastinator George RR Martin) stars Lloyd and Beau as father and “under-achieving” son.
Now I wanna watch the Fabulous Baker Brothers again
Was Lloyd Bridges ever young?
I like this pic of him and Jeff.
I think Jeff is a actor
That’s, like, your opinion, man.
i did not know that scott bakula is jeff’s brother!
I think Lloyd was a Bridge too far.
Looks like I picked the wrong time to quit making Boys
Nice… I’ve met two of them
Grew up watching Sea Hunt.
I’m a Lebowski, you’re a Lebowski.

Lloyd Bridges was Jeff Bridges’ dad? I’m retarded.

Sea Hunt. Legendary show
Izzy Mandelbaum
Dorothy truly was a slacker.
where’s todd?
“You think you’re better than me?”

Lloyd Bridges on Seinfeld was underrated
Far out man. Far fucking out
Who is more Macho? Lloyd Bridges? Or Robert Stack?
Seahunt! I had such a crush on Beau!
Loved “Sea Hunt” as a kid
It’s go time!
Whatever happened to Beau?
Looks like she picked the wrong time to quit birth control.
The Mandlebaums!
Number one dad!
I recall watching Lloyd in *Sea Hunt*, which ran from ’58 through ’61, as a little kid. Scuba diving was still something new to most people, and the show was quite adventurous and thrilling to us. I seem to recall a number of air hoses being cut in underwater fights…
Beau Bridges played basketball at UCLA