The Afterlife Through An Atheist’s Eyes: A Shocking NDE Revelation
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The Afterlife Through An Atheist’s Eyes: A Shocking NDE Revelation
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Many other cultures and religions have something similar, Hades rules the underworld in greek culture and Hel presides over Nidlheim in Norse culture, for example. The fact that an american man traveling abroad in europe saw the white christian jesus in his NDE should be enough to prove this is nothing more than a confirmation bias.
I love how they had to stick in because of “socialized medicine.” Dude fuck off. This is just some more propaganda to control people like all religion. He said he didn’t believe in god, so he didn’t know how to pray. Uh, even atheists know what prayer is, and I don’t believe his story for one second.
I do believe in NDE, because the brain is malfunctioning. I had one myself when I almost died and it was a hallucination. Your brain is freaking out and releasing natural DMT. You’re tripping.
poor guy
OP’s name checks out.
What in the fucks is he even saying? It sounds like slightly more coherent Dobald Trump.
It’s common for people to have these types of visions in NDE. It’s basically your brain releasing chemicals to help you with death. Pretty sure DMT can trigger similar visions