The ‘91 film JFK had some really well done sequences, though it didn’t stick to fact throughout
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The ‘91 film JFK had some really well done sequences, though it didn’t stick to fact throughout
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The cast is incredible.
The whole sequence with Donald Sutherland as Mr. X is my favorite in all of film.
Amazingly, I’d never even heard of this movie before. I was flipping through the channels a few weeks ago and caught this and started watching. I thought it was a great film and a phenomenal cast. I need to go back and watch the whole thing, I only caught the later half of it.
Titlegore. Oliver Stone said that in his opinion, the Warren Report was a work of fiction. This film is his counter fiction to the Warren Report.
I think the goal was to touch every single JFK theory out there so in that sense it did as well as it could I think.
The funny thing is if you time the actor shooting, it comes to under the supposed time of Oswald’s 5.6 seconds. But for whatever reason the character claims it took 25 seconds for the dry firing.
It’s a good movie but most of the conspiracy theories tend to overlook the tens of thousands of hours of hours of painstakingly investigated concrete evidence that generally points to one radicalized guy scoring a lucky hit, in favor of the relatively few and incredibly unlikely unknowns. It’s a great movie and I appreciate a critical perspective but sometimes the simplest explanation is the correct one.
Won an Oscar for cinematography
Didn’t stick to fact is an understatement to say the least. He credulously tossed out every long discredited crackpot and every long discredited conspiracy theory in that movie.
It’s well made propaganda, essentially.
Gerold Posner wrote a book called Case Closed which really eviserated the movie’s theories.
I don’t even care what is fact or fiction this movie is a great ride.
Nice game pretty boy
I love this movie, such a manic intense piece of work it feels like any conspiracy theorist talking to you about their ideas.
My father was an attorney in New Orleans at the time. He really disliked the movie for how much it got wrong.
It’s grossly inaccurate but hey that’s Hollywood
The Secret Service accidentally fired the fatal head shot and covered it up.
Facts haha it was Oliver’s way of fueling conspiracy theories.
Which is why the movie is so entertaining
Back and to the left.
JFK is a great film. But I make sure to tell everyone I can that it’s 1/3 fact, 1/3 exaggerated, and 1/3 complete bullshit.
Most of it is pure conspiracy theories and fiction. But perhaps most grating is how the movie shows Jim Garrison as some honest moral crusader family man rather than the asshole he really was.
“That, my friend, is one magic loogie”
I didn’t watch it because I was worried that somewhere in my brain I would start to confuse facts that I know with something that I saw in a movie. I still haven’t see this movie.
Sure, you say this, thinking you know all the facts?
Of course not.
Damn soft focus makes it look like a soap opera. Smh.
Yeah they never even mentioned the magic bullet he put into his gun.