1995, I was 15 years old and our dad had just driven me and my siblings 12 hours through the night to our holiday destination in Switzerland. We are all completely beside ourselves from the road and overall tiredness. We sit down in a super stuffy old people café to have breakfast while we wait for the check-in time in our hotel. I describe this comic that I had just seen on a t shirt days before to my dad. He giggles at first but soon starts to laugh louder and louder into complete hysteria. He was cry laughing so wild that people in the café thought he had a medical emergency. Bless his heart and that he overcame his cocaine addiction, which was the reason why he thought it would be a good idea to take his kids on 12 hour roadtrips through the night.
Oh man stealing that farside panel. Also love that plug color.
50 shades of milk
What lazy person couldn’t remove this before painting?
I mean, whom ever it was, you the worst.
Whippie ka-je!
Willy Wonka told us this a long time ago already
It’s a lot darker when you notice the fucking cow *skull* in the corner
I love Gary Larson’s work
The safe word is oat milk
WTF does whipped cream have to do with pancakes?
Cows… so much they suffer. And chooks. Don’t get me started on pigs. Horses. Budgerigars. Geese. Wabbits. Duckth.
My favorite part of this meme is that it’s screwed into someone’s wall.
It gets you to think about another type is whipped cream
Great. Another thing for PETA to get the knickers in knot over.
Jokes on you!
does anyone else get bothered by these cartoons that are just blatantly ripping off The Far Side?
Normal milk comes like this too. Wonder how meat comes from them.
I may be wrong here but isn’t that a bull?
Whipped to orgasm then they cum a bucket
1995, I was 15 years old and our dad had just driven me and my siblings 12 hours through the night to our holiday destination in Switzerland. We are all completely beside ourselves from the road and overall tiredness. We sit down in a super stuffy old people café to have breakfast while we wait for the check-in time in our hotel. I describe this comic that I had just seen on a t shirt days before to my dad. He giggles at first but soon starts to laugh louder and louder into complete hysteria. He was cry laughing so wild that people in the café thought he had a medical emergency. Bless his heart and that he overcame his cocaine addiction, which was the reason why he thought it would be a good idea to take his kids on 12 hour roadtrips through the night.
Plot twist: the cow asks for moooooooooore! 🤭