“Instead of a Dark Lord, you would have a queen, not dark but beautiful and terrible as the dawn! Tempestuous as the sea, and stronger than the foundations of the earth! All shall love m- argh! goddamn it!”
I can relate to this. I wanted to take my kids to the zoo after school. I proposed it, and not 5 seconds later a huge gust of wind knocked both kids to the ground. “…Why dont we just go home and play games inside instead”
This is beautiful
Turned into a weather balloon real quick
I would just panic im gonna suffocate
Sounds like she’s laughing, despite her predicament.
“Boohoo, I’m a ghost”
Legend has it she’s still trying to get unwrapped.
I bet many parents (especially of younger kids) got a bit anxious when she turned around and was lost in there!
Damn those morbid thoughts!!!
The caped crusader continues
It’s the sous vide technique
Interesting fence. Love the look coming off the straight line of that wall.
Like trying to get a sock out of a fitted sheet after doing laundry.
It reminds me of my dog getting stuck under the blanket
Felt myself suffocating just watching this…
That’s one high def security camera.
“Instead of a Dark Lord, you would have a queen, not dark but beautiful and terrible as the dawn! Tempestuous as the sea, and stronger than the foundations of the earth! All shall love m- argh! goddamn it!”
this is making me suffocate
It’s a ghost! A ghost! The backyard is haunted!
Do that next hallowe’en for some kids’ nightmare fuel.
Knew exactly what was going to happen
Laughed hysterically anyway
Thank you
Most people see a person struggling with a tarp.
Dnd players see a animated rug smothering someone to death.
Wind is one of the most annoying forces of nature.
Wacky wavy inflatable tarp lady!
I can relate to this. I wanted to take my kids to the zoo after school. I proposed it, and not 5 seconds later a huge gust of wind knocked both kids to the ground. “…Why dont we just go home and play games inside instead”
RIP headphones users
How I Met Your Mummy
Accidental Christo
That’s some nice grass