That time Michelle Pfeiffer called out Hollywood – Women in Film luncheon (1993)
That time Michelle Pfeiffer called out Hollywood – Women in Film luncheon (1993)
byu/ColeBelthazorTurner inOldSchoolCool
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What a dumb post. She made $3MM as catwoman the year prior
And she never got work again…thanks Harvey
Sounds jealous
I figure the prices were from the plots in the movies they were in.
I mean she’s got a point.
Imagine “handsome man” starring Richard Gere as a Gigolo and Julia Roberts as a high powered business woman. Would it have been received the same?
Same exact movie but genders reversed.
Julia Roberts plays the piano while Richard seductively sways in a silk robe before being taken by Roberts.
The scene where Dick Gere is turned away from buying new clothes cuz he’s dressed like a Gigolo.
The credit card snap scene. Gere flashes his million dollar smile.
Actually this movie sounds awesome.
Careful what you wish for
I don’t get her comments. Is she not aware that all those were films? As in like made up scenarios.
In addition, Pretty Woman might be a bad one to call out considering that it is a hugely popular movie with women. Even now.
Her womb is so polluted
I’m not sure she called out Hollywood, she made a joke. Who cares?
Look up current pictures. She aged gracefully and didn’t fuck up her face.
She’ll be suing in 6 years…
Just shittin on her kind. Sickening
lol this comment section is going to be a garbage-dump of young dudes not getting the point at all.
whoa. She has got real ovaries!!
Give a woman a whip, and she’ll move the world.
Is she wearing David Byrne’s Big Suit?
Dorks dorkin’
I love her.