That time Brendan Fraser became a drug lord, and magically learned Spanish
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That time Brendan Fraser became a drug lord, and magically learned Spanish
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Still better than Jonah hill’s Spanish in 22 jump Street
And Russian
Brendan really gave it 110%.
This was the top post on the sub last week lol.
Establos? Ohhhhhhh mis establos!
One of the greatest scenes in any movie ever.
It hasnt even been poooblished yet
Bruh hangs dong in the same film. Bedazzled is hilarious.
such a good movie
The cheese is old and moldy.
That’s *Oscar Winner Brendan Fraser
What a time.. someone just said “I need colombian music, put some spanish song” and that’s it.. A Catalonian band playing Flamenco is close enough
I don’t speak Spanish but why do the subtitles say “Jefe”, a Spanish word, when the manservant clearly says senior? At 2:15.