That is a wonderful accomplishment and much harder to achieve staying at the same company
View Reddit by MoniMokshith – View Source
That is a wonderful accomplishment and much harder to achieve staying at the same company
View Reddit by MoniMokshith – View Source
Good for you!!! 🎉🎉🎉
I hope that they treated her well on the way up and that she treats her workers well now.
Starting wage: $10/hr
Current wage: $15.50 and reserved parking
Congratulations, I just got a promotion at the farm
I’m the new CIEIO
Assistant to the regional manager
This happens all the time at the company I work for. We almost always promote from within.
Congratulations Katie.
Now please take your skills to a new workplace for more money ASAP.
For a second, I thought you were saying that there are six Katie Dukes at your company…
I feel dumb.
congrats! reminds me of my dad spending 30 years with with same company working from busser to vp of operations. then they let him go in 2008 to hire someone who would work for less. don’t let your loyalty bite you in the ass like it did him.
There is some cynical shit going on in this thread op but I hope it’s a good thing for you.
Not that I disagree with the overall sentiment of my fellow workers…..
My first act as general manager is to make better looking name plates.
It’s been a whirlwind 4 months!
Maybe posting Katie’s full name and place of work here isn’t the best idea….
There are way too many people assuming she doesn’t make a decent wage. I started at U-Haul as a customer service rep making $9.50/hr six years ago. Five different positions later I make six figures a year and live in a brand new apartment entirely paid for by my job. I pay no rent and no utilities. Not all companies treat employees like Wal-Mart or Amazon.
Hey I resemble this!
Started out with a part time job as a teenager, got promoted to full time as I went to school. Graduated and got a BIG promotion (honestly idk what they were thinking, it was a major risk).
All said and done I’ve been promoted 3 times and I’m now in charge of staffing for half the state! I sometimes wonder if the grass is greener elsewhere, but I truly have never worked outside my company so I have no clue.
You go Katie!
It’s been a tough six weeks