I worked in a toyshop that had a doll like this. It had sat in the window so long its eyes had turned pink. It was so cool but they wouldn’t let me have it.
Easy way to make money honestly: bring home a creepy doll, and in six months you will be shown on all the ghost hunter shows. If you are lucky, you might get a movie made about you that spawns countless spinoffs.
This is the type of thing you buy and leave on someone’s doorstep in the middle of the night with it staring at the door so it is the first thing they see when leaving the house.
I think Annabelle is afraid of that doll!
It doesn’t wanna make eye contact until you take it home
that’s the stuff of nightmares.
I don’t think the doll is the one with the problems.
I would bet whoever owns the doll is the one with the problems…
Don’t hug it because it reacts poorly to external stimuli.
What are you talking about? She just needs a little lo— OWWW! SHE BIT ME!!!!!!!
Hey she’s seeing a therapist and working on herself OK?
I got 99 demons, but a bitch ain’t one
Need to buy one of these for my next white elephant party
Haunted Doll Watch!
The real bride of Chucky.
Cool this will fit in Living waters post.
Is it just me, or does it have Sith eyes?
Stay away. Tortured soul inside.
This doll has seen Shit!!!
Price reduced to $6.66 after it was on the shelf for a few months…
I worked in a toyshop that had a doll like this. It had sat in the window so long its eyes had turned pink. It was so cool but they wouldn’t let me have it.
That thing is definitely grabbing a knife and stabbing you if you aren’t watching.
That description is spot on for my ex.
Relatable content
Dolly has seen some shit
The fact that it’s $13 makes it even spookier, like the doll made the price herself
Easy way to make money honestly: bring home a creepy doll, and in six months you will be shown on all the ghost hunter shows. If you are lucky, you might get a movie made about you that spawns countless spinoffs.
Some mofo will make one those gif where her eyes slightly move or blink and I’ll have to change phones
Real Haunted Doll Watch material right here.
Holy fuck that looks haunted
That doll has seen some shit. Some say it was previously owned by Harvey Weinstein.
I don’t know why this got me like that but I literally just laughed until I cried and wheezed.
Thats shit haunted. Dot get near it.
Dead eyes. Like a shark’s eyes
Pretty sure these eyes are UV reactive. In the 90 and 00 there where 2 doll companies that did this kind of thing.
Is it cheaper to have a doll with no problems
Doll: “Give me my knife back!”
Mother? Feed me a soul, Mother.
She looks like she’s having a catatonic existential crisis
This is the type of thing you buy and leave on someone’s doorstep in the middle of the night with it staring at the door so it is the first thing they see when leaving the house.
That doll is in need of an exorcism.