Teens protesting the high school dress code that banned slacks for girls in Brooklyn, 1940.
View Reddit by taylordeyonce – View Source
Teens protesting the high school dress code that banned slacks for girls in Brooklyn, 1940.
View Reddit by taylordeyonce – View Source
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Brooklyn is always so fashion-forward.
Fashion goals!
People today are still fighting for their freedom.
Huh, so that’s my type.
I suppose that authority figures telling us what we can and cannot wear is freedom?
Being TOLD that we are free has worn thin. I need to be SHOWN.
So people have always been anti-gay?
Fair play to them. Outfits like these are also far more practical for doing work in environments like fields, factories, laboratories, fighting fires and more, so it was more than just a fashion statement; it was about fighting gender norms and broader pre-concieved idea’s about what was considered “women’s work” or “men’s work”.
You go Grandma!
Someone throw some skirts on those broads.
They were still pretty much banned at my high school in 1970!
Wanton Hussies!
Those slacks are way too sexy
Slacks is such a weird sounding word to me. Is there a distinction between slacks and pants?
Umm..wtf?! Notebooks even had the same design back then…