Everytime there’s a police scandal you’ll see videos like this. Like the one of the cop lipsyncing to Taylor swift after some tradgey that I don’t remember because it was 4000 police tradgedies ago.
But this one is infuriating. This cop letting this kid go after he endangered 4 or more lives, the kid talking only about avoiding the consequences of his actions and it FUCKING WORKS. No sign of real acknowledgement that he fucked up. Not to mention I could almost never see his hands.
THEN to top it all off, tells the 2 kids in the backseat they don’t need seatbelts. Doesn’t even suggest they put them on with this idiot driving.
His behavior was selfish and reckless and he was lucky to not get arrested, but I also remember what it’s like being 18 and owning a brain that isn’t yet very good at assessing risk and considering future consequences.
I’m glad he didn’t hurt anybody else or himself and hopefully he learned a lesson.
A first time 115mph in my state would almost certainly get reckless driving on top of excessive speeding, it would end up being like $2-3k in fines, license suspension and possible up to 30 days in jail.
Got a verbal warning going 140 in my early twenties. He was at least half a mile back when I pulled over and stopped, which I believe played a big part in his letting me go. It was the first week in December and he said I should consider him not taking my car or ticketing me an early Christmas present. First and last time for that mistake.
I remember being a dumb teenager. But I was never that dumb. There’s a right way and a wrong way to talk to a cop. But when you’ve been speeding like that, there is only so much you can do.
I got pulled over for not stopping at a stop sign long enough when there was no one around. It was my first offense in 11 years of driving at the time and I wasn’t let off. No way going that fast should warrant any kind of forgiveness.
haven’t we all been on like a desert road and tried to push our car as fast as we could. I drive pretty slow now, but i got to like 114 in a g35 infinity in south carolina at 1am. just for like 30 seconds but it felt good.
When I was 18 I was pulled over by an unmarked police car at about 2am having just landed back in the country from living abroad for a year. The policeman said I was going 111mph. He ran my plates and it turns out my MOT and Insurance had expired. I’d not thought to get it sorted for me getting home. Anyways… I was issued a verbal warning. SO LUCKY! Looking back I cant believe I got away with it.
I got pulled for 135 in a 60. I got charged with careless, reckless, and aggressive driving, speeding in excess above a posted 55, and the base speeding ticket. Luckily I wasn’t impounded but I was facing 1 year jail, massive fine, becoming uninsurable (14 points IIRC), if I was insurable it would have been roughly $2000 a month (I got the quote for that), and a minimum 30 day revocation of my license. I paid a lawyer $55 to handle it. That poor schmuck must not have had a good paralegal or something because a week after I hired him he realized the depth of the case. He had it for 3 entire years before we were able to get a PJC and 9 over + $700 court fees, a defensive driving course, and 40 hours of community service. I’ve never sped again since. To be fair, I was alone on the highway with no other cars but I guess the best way for that trooper to protect me was legally ruining my life, making me lose my job, and possibly go to jail. Did I break the law? Yes. Was anyone in danger other than me? No. Is it fucking insane to ruin an 18 year old’s life for something like that the first time they ever get pulled over? Fuck no.
Other than that, I have been pulled over 2 times. Once I forgot to pay my registration for 2 years and just had to pay it, the other was running a stop sign at 2 am and almost T-boning an officer. I was super nice, he was super nice, I told him I drove home this way every night, it was a long week as that was my 5th 18 hour shift in a row, and I wasn’t distracted I just kind of zoned out and forgot there was an intersection, let alone a stop sign, there. He just told me to drive safer and tell my boss to hire more staff.
My mom got pulled over for a 2 day lapse of insurance because she had no money trying to raise 2 kids after being laid off. The cop followed us to our apartment’s parking lot and then arrested my mom with her two kids in the car and then made her spend the night and half the day in jail.
It’s such a mixed bag with cops man. This kid definitely got hella lucky this cop wasn’t a prick.
I got a warning for 120 mph in my Volvo in Wyoming. It had been 15 minutes since I had seen another car out there and a freakin cop saw me. I was on hour 14 of my drive that day. He told me if I went 1mph over the limit the rest of my drive though Wyoming they’d stop me. I’ll be damned if there wasn’t a cop every 20-30 miles after that.
Bunch of people in this thread going at ridiculous speeds and acting like it’s okay because the road was “empty”. It’s always empty till it’s not and you are going too fast to react. Drive better.
I once got a warning for traveling quite fast because the cop was mad for some reason at either his department or the city I can’t remember which but I couldn’t believe it. I didn’t even ask for it, he just came up and explained why I was getting a warning.
“Well well well, if it isn’t the consequence of my own actions . . .”
Everytime there’s a police scandal you’ll see videos like this. Like the one of the cop lipsyncing to Taylor swift after some tradgey that I don’t remember because it was 4000 police tradgedies ago.
But this one is infuriating. This cop letting this kid go after he endangered 4 or more lives, the kid talking only about avoiding the consequences of his actions and it FUCKING WORKS. No sign of real acknowledgement that he fucked up. Not to mention I could almost never see his hands.
THEN to top it all off, tells the 2 kids in the backseat they don’t need seatbelts. Doesn’t even suggest they put them on with this idiot driving.
I like this officer!
His behavior was selfish and reckless and he was lucky to not get arrested, but I also remember what it’s like being 18 and owning a brain that isn’t yet very good at assessing risk and considering future consequences.
I’m glad he didn’t hurt anybody else or himself and hopefully he learned a lesson.
Also, that cop handled things exceptionally well.
A first time 115mph in my state would almost certainly get reckless driving on top of excessive speeding, it would end up being like $2-3k in fines, license suspension and possible up to 30 days in jail.
I’ve never seen such a bro cop?
For everybody outside the US, this is equal to going 186 KMH.
Hold on, do Cops actually think the show Cops is fake? Edited, yes. But fake?
“Come on! At least I didn’t break the sound barrier?”
Old enough to drive, old enough to die. But we all know we floored it once or twice just to see.
That cop knows how to cop.
My brother got a warning for doing 100mph on his bike.
It was a looong time ago but still unusual even back then.
I mean never hurts to ask, right?
Dude puts on the seat belt the wrong way in front of a cop.
I’ll be honest, I got a warning for going 110 in the middle of the night coming back from my GF house. Freeway was clear, cops were cool as fuck.
My man wants a warning before his bullet hits the other person so he can become the flash and go pick it up real quick
Got a verbal warning going 140 in my early twenties. He was at least half a mile back when I pulled over and stopped, which I believe played a big part in his letting me go. It was the first week in December and he said I should consider him not taking my car or ticketing me an early Christmas present. First and last time for that mistake.
I remember being a dumb teenager. But I was never that dumb. There’s a right way and a wrong way to talk to a cop. But when you’ve been speeding like that, there is only so much you can do.
I got pulled over for not stopping at a stop sign long enough when there was no one around. It was my first offense in 11 years of driving at the time and I wasn’t let off. No way going that fast should warrant any kind of forgiveness.
haven’t we all been on like a desert road and tried to push our car as fast as we could. I drive pretty slow now, but i got to like 114 in a g35 infinity in south carolina at 1am. just for like 30 seconds but it felt good.
Welcome to adulthood. The ticket might hurt, but it might just save your and your friends lifes.
Man I didn’t know the coach from last chance U became a cop!
The ultimate, “the worst thing he can say is ‘no'” example.
When I was 18 I was pulled over by an unmarked police car at about 2am having just landed back in the country from living abroad for a year. The policeman said I was going 111mph. He ran my plates and it turns out my MOT and Insurance had expired. I’d not thought to get it sorted for me getting home. Anyways… I was issued a verbal warning. SO LUCKY! Looking back I cant believe I got away with it.
Puts seat belt on then puts it behind him…
…in front of the copper.
I got pulled for 135 in a 60. I got charged with careless, reckless, and aggressive driving, speeding in excess above a posted 55, and the base speeding ticket. Luckily I wasn’t impounded but I was facing 1 year jail, massive fine, becoming uninsurable (14 points IIRC), if I was insurable it would have been roughly $2000 a month (I got the quote for that), and a minimum 30 day revocation of my license. I paid a lawyer $55 to handle it. That poor schmuck must not have had a good paralegal or something because a week after I hired him he realized the depth of the case. He had it for 3 entire years before we were able to get a PJC and 9 over + $700 court fees, a defensive driving course, and 40 hours of community service. I’ve never sped again since. To be fair, I was alone on the highway with no other cars but I guess the best way for that trooper to protect me was legally ruining my life, making me lose my job, and possibly go to jail. Did I break the law? Yes. Was anyone in danger other than me? No. Is it fucking insane to ruin an 18 year old’s life for something like that the first time they ever get pulled over? Fuck no.
Other than that, I have been pulled over 2 times. Once I forgot to pay my registration for 2 years and just had to pay it, the other was running a stop sign at 2 am and almost T-boning an officer. I was super nice, he was super nice, I told him I drove home this way every night, it was a long week as that was my 5th 18 hour shift in a row, and I wasn’t distracted I just kind of zoned out and forgot there was an intersection, let alone a stop sign, there. He just told me to drive safer and tell my boss to hire more staff.
My mom got pulled over for a 2 day lapse of insurance because she had no money trying to raise 2 kids after being laid off. The cop followed us to our apartment’s parking lot and then arrested my mom with her two kids in the car and then made her spend the night and half the day in jail.
It’s such a mixed bag with cops man. This kid definitely got hella lucky this cop wasn’t a prick.
Model police officer.
I got a warning for 120 mph in my Volvo in Wyoming. It had been 15 minutes since I had seen another car out there and a freakin cop saw me. I was on hour 14 of my drive that day. He told me if I went 1mph over the limit the rest of my drive though Wyoming they’d stop me. I’ll be damned if there wasn’t a cop every 20-30 miles after that.
[post about it.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Volvo/comments/x5c5um/after_years_of_joking_that_cops_dont_pull_over/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)
Everyone fucks around until it times to find out.
I have to admit, against all better judgement, I like this Dude.
That’s a loss of license, dangerous driving charge where I live
masterclass of police work and interpersonal skills.
This is the first time I’ve ever seen a body cam video and been like “yeah the cop is right on this one.”
Bunch of people in this thread going at ridiculous speeds and acting like it’s okay because the road was “empty”. It’s always empty till it’s not and you are going too fast to react. Drive better.
I once got a warning for traveling quite fast because the cop was mad for some reason at either his department or the city I can’t remember which but I couldn’t believe it. I didn’t even ask for it, he just came up and explained why I was getting a warning.
There needs to be more videos of legit and sane police offers.