Sunday, March 9All That Matters

Tally Ho gets decked! I’ve followed and supported this antique sailboat being reconstructed for literal years now. This is a particularly satisfying episode focused on decking where the installation of the bronze alloy strapping is a particularly satisfying segment. All credits to Leo and his team.


Tally Ho gets decked! I’ve followed and supported this antique sailboat being reconstructed for literal years now. This is a particularly satisfying episode focused on decking where the installation of the bronze alloy strapping is a particularly satisfying segment. All credits to Leo and his team.


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  • Yeah, that is good youtube content. I’ve sent a bit of money to the project too. It is really coming together. It is amazing how this project has taken off and is now supported by youtube ads and donations.

    Did you see the other Youtube channel (rebuild rescue) where that guy is rescuing an abandoned 2 engine airplane. His gofundme has raised 195,000 dollars. Holy S#1T!. Wow. This whole genre of “rebuild xxxx” youtube projects blows my mind. If you put out good videos, people are willing to pony up some dollars I guess.

  • I love this series too. One thing I’m often curious about is how ships like this were built in the days without power tools.

    For example, in this episode, they use a router to prepare the deck for diagonal brass straps. The router was invented in 1884. What would they have done before that?

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