Monday, February 24All That Matters

Talk about Wasted Potential (though I still kinda liked It)


  • I actually played it on launch with a 1060 6gb and didn’t even run into really any graphical issues and *not one* game breaking bug. Think I ran it at around medium settings.

  • Guys I don’t mean the game is Awful or Bad… just that it could have been something really special. Its an Enjoyable experience now on Next Gen Consoles and most mid PCs.

  • My expectations for cyberpunk were low when i got it, which was back in April. Played through it twice, and honestly, I like the gunplay, Quickhacking enemies, and melee. The stories pretty good in my eyes, fits the dystopia cybernetic world. Ill admit the worlds not really “Realistic” as the Advertisements lead on. Its stale to an extent despite the Neon lights, but the soundtrack helps breath a bit of life into it. Overall a solid game with my experience on Update 1.5 on the Series S.

  • It was fine, and yes, and it was full of wasted potential.

    Never really made use of the open world in an interesting way.

    Didn’t have anything to say using its cyberpunk themes.

    Didn’t really have a branching narrative or any meaningfully interactive story.

    The combat system and character building were pretty standard.

    Overall, a very typical AAA game that was overpromised and underdelivered, but competent enough that you can’t rightly call it a bad game.

  • It was almost great. They needed to cut back on the amount of literal garbage in the city and make it more aesthetically appealing (in a Cyberpunk way), and they needed to make the romances better, plus we needed more futuristic cyber space/matrix environments and we needed to be able to mod cars (and flying cars).

    Lots left to be desired.

  • If they didn’t lie about all the lacking features, I think people would have been a lot less harsh on the game. We were actively deceived by there demos that showed, purposely scripted gameplay that had mechanics not even in the game. Yeah this is not the first studio to do so, but CD Project red had such a great reputation before this game. Honestly it should have been delayed a lot more, and its not like even the community complained about it, I mean there were funny memes about it but what I had seen was that majority of the gamers were like take the time, we want a finished game.


    I did enjoy the game, despite the bugs and glitches, I enjoyed the story, and it was interesting enough to get immersed into the environment.

  • Unfortunately, the “gamer community” really doesn’t like it when cyberpunk is deservedly criticized. it seems that they are satisfied with the situation when a huge part of this very game was cut out of the game.
    And it’s also funny to read about the absence of bugs. Looks like non-critical problems that do not lead to the closure of the game are not considered as bugs

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