Supernatural – Dean Winchester tells Sam what happened to him in Hell
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Supernatural – Dean Winchester tells Sam what happened to him in Hell
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The quality of seasons 4 and 5 really were the peak. When Supernatural went from that pretty good show to that pretty great show. 4 might be one of my favourite seasons of TV. Perfect mix of comedy (Yellow Fever, Monster Movie and Wishful Thinking) and drama (Lazarus Rising, Heaven & Hell and On the Head of a Pin). Just really great layered writing and performances.
Seasons 1-5 will always be great. For me that’s where the show ended and seasons 6-15 are just bad fan fiction.
Man. This show is nostalgic af for me. Me and my best friend loved spooky shit. And we were 12 when it hit the air. 2005 meant, literally calling each others house, and then staying on the phone the entire time watching each episode each week. We did that the entire first season.
“They had dildos, Sam. Lots and lots of dildos.”
This series was my Covid lockdown guilty pleasure…I can’t believe I watched the whole thing. It was so ridiculous…but I couldn’t stop
Jensen Ackles is an amazing actor! The man really has a talent, and i always feel sorry for the actors who have to do emotional scenes with him. It’s the most visible when he’s doing a emotional scene with Jared, jared is a oke-ish actor (to me, who is a sam girl) but he’s not on the same level as Jensen, and it really shows
I have been rewatching this show every summer since i was 14 (I’m 25 now) it still holds up, although i skip some episodes now
This show is great haven’t seen the last season but the show was amazing but at least we still see dean in the boys