Sułoszowa, Poland has a population of 6000, all of whom live on one street.
View Reddit by Welson_Liong – View Source
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Sułoszowa, Poland has a population of 6000, all of whom live on one street.
View Reddit by Welson_Liong – View Source
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That is a busy fuckn street
Follow the only road
Google maps begs to differ
Must be one hell of an annual block party
Each house has that strip of land to do whatever on, hence different colours and they are using the land for different purposes. Some grow crops on it, others have animals, some just leave it.
In dutch we call these places a “Lintdorp”, or “ribbonvillage”.
Id still get lost on the way back from the pub
Traffic jams are a real bitch
I bet the postman loves his job
Most of the village live on that street but at the southern end there are plenty of side streets
As you can see from that image the main street splits
*Country roads starts playing softly*
Looks like my first sim city ever.
I’m sure there’s a second road at the bottom of the pic…..
Cool farm lands
oh that guy? He lives down the street
Neom, a new way to live
As a greeting, they could just say: “Drove past your house today.”, to everyone.
The town needs a complicated mass transit system and a driver that forgets the route.
♪ Our house, in the middle of our street ♫
So “The Line” already exists.
Wasn’t this an RTGame video?
Fun fact the riches person in the city is the paper boy
I like how the picture literally features a fork in the road
Reminds me of that weird ass idea by Saudi Arabia to build that line city
Imagine the block party?
A mail carrier’s dream!
Me in Cities: Skylines..
[Here](https://i.imgur.com/wVsufFR.jpg) is a higher quality and much less cropped version of this image. [Here](https://www.georgesteinmetz.com/image?&_bqG=0&_bqH=eJxtUF1LwzAU_TXtm7DOFmWQhyz3Wi.uycjHNE.hTGFDZGIng_16c8vQogZycj5yEpLaz3dbK3tZH9en.yf3Su31.Ubv_VVcVItqNuOZkRI4JYbPQjXF7fwwnA.nvqTkQHosmmXXFQ2IiQHABsDEinmwyWu28XcV_1bx_6oiH8fLfI6ZKBO0tzGRMyyNJdQ5I6NZkksWVygdwkWup9oZ64WV.qEcH5mkBnHMPDi0iUAE_oBH5Wj_Ru_PVZ2jDVkf5CrJFrWKvKlMapkoH5yrFxq.qb37oR1TqbwYXvqP7a7cjO12RMX4BaYlcqw-&GI_ID=) is the source. Credit to the photographer, [George Steinmetz](https://www.georgesteinmetz.com/) (aka geosteinmetz on IG).
> The imprint of history is visible in the division of Polish farmland around the village of Suloszowa. Poland regained its independence in 1918, and before that this land near Krakow was divided under a German system known as Waldhufendorf. The philosophy of the street village was settlement along the roads and streams, with narrow stripes of farmland transitioning from fields to pasture and surrounding forest, which has slowly disappeared. The narrow strips are now about 25 meters wide, resulting from the inheritance and division of property between children and their families. The dominant crops are potatoes wheat, oats, corn cabbage, beans, rye, beetroot, and strawberries.
Per the IG source:
> The imprint of history is visible from above the Polish village of Suloszowa. Poland regained its independence a hundred years ago, and before that this land near Krakow was divided under a German system known as Waldhufendorf. It established villages along a stream with strips of land behind each house following the terrain towards the surrounding forest. Centuries of division for inheritance have left these strips about 75 ft wide. With thanks to @kacperkowalski_photography for telling me about this place.
> MAY 28, 2022
^^^^^^^[Déjà](https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/126svry/a_village_in_poland/jeb8z11/) ^^^^^^^[vu](https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/126svry/a_village_in_poland/jeb8z11/).
**Edited for visibility**. Per /u/Max_Derpin over [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/12efpe5/su%C5%82oszowa_poland_has_a_population_of_6000_all_of/jfcct9j/):
> There’s another STUNNING drone shot at 50°16’36″N 19°44’13″E on Google Earth
[Here](https://www.google.com/maps/@50.2769584,19.7370263,3a,75y,105.68h,90t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipNU_W5zJOobduAoAVD73QksPETma5ZHL0fJ6MAY!2e10!3e11!6shttps:%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipNU_W5zJOobduAoAVD73QksPETma5ZHL0fJ6MAY%3Dw203-h100-k-no-pi-0-ya113.707054-ro-0-fo100!7i8192!8i4096) is the direct link.
Might be a flood zone
Mailman difficulty level: beginner.
If I were a dragon
“Do you know where Pävel Lukêk lives?”
“Yeah. Just down the street.”
I wonder if there exists a rivalry between the people on one side of the street and the other side.
Original NES *Paperboy* IRL
I hope they have a good snow plow
I uses to live there. The most awesome part was the neighbours. so kind
Some one tell the saudies they didn’t do it first
Hey what’s your address. 7. Perfect see you later