Maybe there’s a physics issue I’m not appreciating but why couldn’t they just suck out the liquid from the pipe? The capped end was out of the water so why not plug pipe on bell end and pump out liquid/pump in air on the end out of water?
Swimming through a pipeline for 2 hours in complete darkness, not even knowing if you’re going the right direction looking for air pockets and trying to stay calm to preserve the limited oxygen tanks…
Fuckin comments here, human experience baby. Imagine having this happen to you and your death video is posted on reddit and some comments are ‘fucking repost’
The amount of force is mind boggling, to go from one second you’re working on the pipe to another you’re in pitch dark oily water with bones broken and barely any air. God that had to be the most terrifying experience.
That was some fucking harrowing stuff. It seems those men were alive for days and yet no rescue effort was made. That poor survivor as well who promised his friends they’d come back with help.
I’m wondering why the maintenance procedure didn’t include an isolation valve hook-up with a pressure gauge to determine what the delta P of the pipe is to the other side of the valve. You’d think that would be as standard procedure as an electrician verifying zero voltage potential with a multimeter before working on a power circuit.
Seems insane the procedure used here is essentially just to cross your fingers.
I do aquaponics and the first thing I thought when I saw that bell around the pipe was, that looks like a bell siphon. Looks like it actually was. So terrifying.
I swear to God this motherfucking narrator/writer has spent the first four minutes talking in circles constantly reiterating the same information. Is this AI? Because it sounds like AI
Jesus Christ. That’s four premeditated murders. Whoever decided not to intervene, or helped enforce that decision needs to spend the rest of their life in prison.
And here I am contemplating a career in underwater welding.. no wonder they get paid so much. Couldn’t think of a worse way to die. I hope those companies are held accountable. There needs to be better rescue procedures in place if this were to occur again. Even requiring some sort of harness attached to the inside of the diving bell in order to avoid being sucked down into the pipe might have saved their lives.
This breaks my heart. My father ran an underwater salvage/repair/rescue business and he would have attempted the rescue in a heartbeat if he knew men were trapped down there.
Just terrible.
This incident occured February 2022 in Trinidad and Tobago; this was major news when it first went down. A Commission of Enquiry was established to investigate this entire incident, which concluded in January 2023, the findings of said enquiry, is unfortunately still to be made public.
In Aliens the most nightmare thing I got from that was when Bishop was crawling through that pipe to patch in to the colonist’s communications relay. Just the thought of crawling in something like that made me just freak out.
What an absolutely fucking awful nightmare.
I got panicky just watching and listening to the description. I couldn’t make it past the first few seconds of the actual video/audio of the incident.
The trauma they went through, and the trauma that the survivor must be struggling with.
I wouldn’t wish this on my very worst enemy.
Well that was a nightmare I shouldn’t have watched.
Maybe there’s a physics issue I’m not appreciating but why couldn’t they just suck out the liquid from the pipe? The capped end was out of the water so why not plug pipe on bell end and pump out liquid/pump in air on the end out of water?
Based on the comments here and the fact that I am extremely claustrophobic, I’m fine with leaving well enough alone and not watching that video.
The story presented is interesting, but is anyone bothered by the almost AI-generated sounding voice and intrusive stock music?
Maybe I’m just getting old.
Delayed the final findings report till Nov. Tragic
Delta P
the danger of delta P
Swimming through a pipeline for 2 hours in complete darkness, not even knowing if you’re going the right direction looking for air pockets and trying to stay calm to preserve the limited oxygen tanks…
Pure nightmare fuel
Fuckin comments here, human experience baby. Imagine having this happen to you and your death video is posted on reddit and some comments are ‘fucking repost’
Absolutely horrifying.
That was fucking hellish. Jesus Christ the thoughts running through those poor souls minds.
Why do folks bitch about a repost? I never saw earlier post. Oh, wait, wish I’d seen neither…nightmare fuel.
They just left them down there? What the fuck?
_Imagine being sucked into a 30-inch pipe.._
Yea no thank you
How did they recover the bodies? Whatever method they used could it have been used while they were alive?
The amount of force is mind boggling, to go from one second you’re working on the pipe to another you’re in pitch dark oily water with bones broken and barely any air. God that had to be the most terrifying experience.
You know what bothers me?
I don’t get why they could not have sent a guy in with a rope, and pulled them all out one by 1.
A clean suit, a full face cover and a backup respirator would have provided some help.
Wow. Paria is truly evil company. I’m sure they will face a stiff fine well below what they make in profit in a year.
That was some fucking harrowing stuff. It seems those men were alive for days and yet no rescue effort was made. That poor survivor as well who promised his friends they’d come back with help.
Totally fucked up.
anyone have a take on this from the top youtube comment?
> …if these men lived the spotlight would be placed on the company and it would make it much harder to do their underhand business…
Doesn’t them dying seem a worse spotlight?
Jfc. I’m working with a dive team today. I’m on break right now. I don’t think I’ll be showing them this.
I thought the Byford Dolphin disaster was horrible, but at least the deaths there were instantaneous. What a horrible way to go.
That’s horrific. It took the one guy 2.5 hours to get out, told them there were survivors in there and they sent no one…unreal.
I highly suspect that the company did not allow divers to rescue the men because it would cost them too much money.
To save you a search: The enquiry that was due by the end of last month (August 2023) has been [delayed by 3 months](
Edit: added the month it was meant to be completed for clarity.
one mr. segura would have a nightmare/field day with this.
I’m wondering why the maintenance procedure didn’t include an isolation valve hook-up with a pressure gauge to determine what the delta P of the pipe is to the other side of the valve. You’d think that would be as standard procedure as an electrician verifying zero voltage potential with a multimeter before working on a power circuit.
Seems insane the procedure used here is essentially just to cross your fingers.
Update: As the video references, the Commission who has been analyzing the disaster [missed their final report deadline]( last week.
I do aquaponics and the first thing I thought when I saw that bell around the pipe was, that looks like a bell siphon. Looks like it actually was. So terrifying.
I swear to God this motherfucking narrator/writer has spent the first four minutes talking in circles constantly reiterating the same information. Is this AI? Because it sounds like AI
Omg that is fucked up. My worst nightmare.
ah, there’s that AI voice over
Jesus Christ. That’s four premeditated murders. Whoever decided not to intervene, or helped enforce that decision needs to spend the rest of their life in prison.
New Nightmare unlocked
Not attempting rescue is the most evil thing I can think of
And here I am contemplating a career in underwater welding.. no wonder they get paid so much. Couldn’t think of a worse way to die. I hope those companies are held accountable. There needs to be better rescue procedures in place if this were to occur again. Even requiring some sort of harness attached to the inside of the diving bell in order to avoid being sucked down into the pipe might have saved their lives.
OP you and I must have similar YouTube feeds. I literally just watched this 24 hours ago because it popped up on my feed.
Crazy story!
Just stopped in here to say I’m not going to watch that before bed. Carry on you psychos.
Yeah not going to read anything here nor will I watch that video. That’s one horrible way to go.
This breaks my heart. My father ran an underwater salvage/repair/rescue business and he would have attempted the rescue in a heartbeat if he knew men were trapped down there.
Just terrible.
This s so fucked… out of all the assholes that made the decision to not rescue, most likely, none will go to jail. What’s going on?
I don’t understand the reason for not attempting a rescue? How was it more beneficial to the company to just leave them?
This incident occured February 2022 in Trinidad and Tobago; this was major news when it first went down. A Commission of Enquiry was established to investigate this entire incident, which concluded in January 2023, the findings of said enquiry, is unfortunately still to be made public.
Here’s one of the sessions:
You can find all of the other sessions of the Commission of Enquiry on that same channel as well.
In Aliens the most nightmare thing I got from that was when Bishop was crawling through that pipe to patch in to the colonist’s communications relay. Just the thought of crawling in something like that made me just freak out.
No way in hell am I watching this.
So the shitty oil companies got sued to bankruptcy right right?
This very very insane fact that no one attempted to rescue them. How cruel can these oil companies are fucking 48 hours of tapping
Breathing straight oil air for hours on end is bad enough without all the additional context.