Students make Johnnie Walker commercial as film project – turns into gut wrenching feels trip
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Students make Johnnie Walker commercial as film project – turns into gut wrenching feels trip
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This caught me off guard. Good job. Now I’m crying in the break room at work.
really amazing video
Great now I’m crying into my morning coffee
Saw this a couple years and it still gets me. Marketing at its best.
Got some Frodo/Sam vibes going on there.
[Johnnie Walker has had some very well made adverts in the past.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3e_nJQQgO38)
I wonder if Diageo would buy the rights to the film to use as an actual advert.
All I can think of is The Big Lebowski
Donnie Walker.
Cause the ashes off a cliff
The same guys (Daniel Titz and Dorian Lebherz) made this hilarious Volvo ad called “ABC of Death”:
[alternative ending](https://youtu.be/u44D3qKKGPU)
Daaaaammmiiitttt. Watching this, my mind went back to all the places I played as a child and all the friends I knew that I’ll never know again. Then as it ended my mind reminded me how old I am. Holy depression just kicked in. Help me Lexapro!
Well, tomorrow would have been my brother’s birthday. Guess this wasn’t the best thing to watch today.
Plot twist: His brother was a horrible alcoholic that accidentally set his house on fire in a blackout drunk one night and died of smoke inhalation.
Due to life kicking me in the gut a lot lately I’ve been a little on the edge. This catapulted me over it and the floodgates do not seem to be closing. I need a drink.
Edit: Over the edge may be exaggerating a bit but there was a completely unexpected overwhelming emotional reaction.
Oh, and thanks for the gold, kind person!
So good that Black Rifle Coffee ripped it right off.
I didn’t expect to have a case of the feels for a whiskey commercial at 853am.
Been having a rough time latley thinking about a cousin I lost needlessly. That kinda shit aint getting any easier.
Anyone need more [feels](https://youtu.be/ZwLVrHuuAAY)
**Dear Brother**
*Daniel Titz & Dorian Lebherz, John Reilly*
> Walking the roads of our youth
> through the land of our childhood, our home and our truth.
> Be near me,
> guide me
> always stay beside me so i can be free, free.
> Lets roam this place
> familiar and vast
> our playground of green frames, our past.
> We were wanderers
> never lost, always home.
> When every place was fenceless
> and time was endless
> our ways were always the same.
> Cool my demons and walk with me brother
> until our roads lead us away from each other
> and if your heart’s full of sorrow, keep walking, don’t rest
> and promise me from heart to chest
> to never let your memories die
> never.
> I will always be alive and by your side,
> in your mind.
> I’m free.
Oh man. I’ve never seen this before, but I did almost the exact same thing in the exact same place a few years ago with my mother’s ashes. Wasn’t expecting that ending and that fucked me up. [The weather wasn’t as great for me] (https://imgur.com/a/TaKhg0r)
Now I feel the need to call my brother
Not a day goes by that I don’t wish I was worth my brothers time. I miss you Evan. I’m sorry man.
The same dudes who made this just posted a new video 12 minutes ago
Oh fuck me