That is what happens when the contractor doesn’t have proper traffic control. There should have been a “lane closed” barricade in front of that concrete patch. I’m sure those cones are not the correct size.
This exact car has been parked in my street for weeks now and has some „Experience American Cars“ advertisement in the back. I couldn‘t help how badly looking and unnecessarily oversized the thing was. Kinda funny to see it in this context now.
And yet people are quick to make jokes about foreign drivers, or people from other ethnic groups. And what is what the comments saying it’s the construction crews fault ??? People don’t pay attention and this is what happens.
if I was those workers, I’d pack it up for the day and just leave. Then come back the next day, presumably the driver would be gone, and tear his truck apart with their equipment
This is why we don’t reddit and drive!
“Oh, look at the cones! A special lane just for me!” – idiot about to need a new car.
Hahaha!! I know EXACTLY where that is!!!
I wish I could have seen the reactions of the construction workers and heard what they said. You know it had to be good lol. What a dumbass haha
Maybe he is creating a monument of a bygone era of gas guzzling oversized vehicles
That Boomer just before this happened:
Okay but whos gonna stop me.
That is what happens when the contractor doesn’t have proper traffic control. There should have been a “lane closed” barricade in front of that concrete patch. I’m sure those cones are not the correct size.
*Sir, this is not the Walk of Fame for cars*
“I don’t need no government cones telling me where I can’t go! I have freedoms!”
In Soviet Russia, traffic is stuck in you
I’m not a mechanic, but this is probably bad for the car.
This exact car has been parked in my street for weeks now and has some „Experience American Cars“ advertisement in the back. I couldn‘t help how badly looking and unnecessarily oversized the thing was. Kinda funny to see it in this context now.
You can’t fix stupid.
And yet people are quick to make jokes about foreign drivers, or people from other ethnic groups. And what is what the comments saying it’s the construction crews fault ??? People don’t pay attention and this is what happens.
Not even slightly surprising.
if I was those workers, I’d pack it up for the day and just leave. Then come back the next day, presumably the driver would be gone, and tear his truck apart with their equipment
I hope someone told him he couldnt park there.
Is that his phone in his right hand, too? lol
Should be in r/idiotsincars
Sir, you can’t park there
Did he feel the front wheels sink in and keep going or was he going so fast he couldn’t stop?
How many tickets?
What will his insurance company believe?
All the workers should just walk away and let that bitch cure up
They should just let the concrete set
“Why are you calling me an idiot?! You have nothing concrete to go on!”
Should be something stupid like 100k fine
That would make you feel like a dumb ass.
I guess he missed the sign
You would think the traffic cones would be a giveaway.